10-26-2019, 07:27 PM
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=IM+Fell+French+Canon+SC' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<style type="text/css">.rhylion_container{position:relative;z-index:1;width:550px;padding:0 15px;background:#030013;font:12px 'Times New Roman', serif;box-shadow:0 0 10px #030013;}.rhylion_border{position:absolute;z-index:5;width:10px;height:100%;background:#985470;}.rhylion_right{right:15px;}.rhylion_left{left:15px;}.rhylion_container p{margin:0;}.rhylion_container img{width:550px;}.rhylion_message{text-align:justify;padding:15px 25px;color:#D5C9E3;}.rhylion_quote{text-align:center;color:#985470;font:14px 'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;padding:8px 0px 0px 0px;letter-spacing:2px;}.rhylion_name{position:absolute;z-index:10;width:550px;text-align:center;color:#FDAE73;font-style:italic;letter-spacing:6px;font-size:26px;}.rhylion_parents{position:absolute;z-index:8;width:550px;bottom:330px;text-align:center;color:#985470;font-family:'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;letter-spacing:1px}</style><center><div class="rhylion_container"><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_left"></div><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_right"></div><div class="rhylion_quote"><p>and when i breathed</p><p>my breath was lightning</p></div><p class="rhylion_message">The first one to find her asks a question that brings a soft smile to her lips. <i>Is it you I’m looking for?</i> he asks. <font color= > “Only in this moment, but not truly. You know who you seek,”</font> she says, voice soft and kind because she understands. Understands the pain that her call has brought forth in all of them, understands what it takes for them to come here now. Her eyes scan the group as it grows; more than she expected and certainly more than she’d even hoped. Perhaps she should not be surprised though. Everyone knows loss, the only difference is the details.
A boy joins the group, asking for his mother. The question rips her heart in two because she cannot answer it. In her own life, she would have taken the boy home, she would have searched for his mother until there was nowhere left to search. He would not have been the first.
<font color=#985470> “I know your pain,”</font> she says, her voice soft but loud enough to hear through the gathered group of horses. <font color=#985470> “I have loved and lost, and now watch those I love from the other side, unable to talk to them. I can be here now only because the veil between our worlds is thin and because Beqanna allows me, which I take as her approval for this. There is a way to create a ritual that will allow communication between the realms of life and death on particular days when the veil is at it’s thinnest, as it is now.”</font>
She pauses for a moment, finding the words she will need to ask them to face the impossible, to die and come back again. Most likely, they could cross back, but she had no proof that this would work. There was no way to guarantee anything. Even if she could, the request is no small thing. Rhy lived part of her life with one foot in each realm and she was never the same as she had been when she’d known only life. Death changes you, and there is no way around it. <font color=#985470> “The ritual is simple. Anyone who wishes to communicate with the dead must come to the beach on the correct day with a token in hand, and their loved one will be able to find them. For this first time though, it is not so easy. Your token will allow you passage through this tear between the two worlds, and it will help you navigate the afterlife to find your loved one. You will be able to see them, talk to them, and journey with them to finish the quest.”</font>
Again, she pauses, letting the weight of that sink in. Perhaps seeing their lost loved one is worse than the pain they feel now, and she will not force anyone to go. <font color=#985470> “The choice is yours. If you choose to help, step through the rift and you will find yourself on my side of the veil. I can help guide you through the steps of the ritual, but otherwise, you will be on your own.”</font> She’d been thrown through the crack between worlds, but for them, the rift lowers, yawning open just before the ocean, inviting them in. Whether they choose to go is up to them. </p><p class="rhylion_name">rhy</p><p class="rhylion_parents">the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle</p><img src="https://k.nickpic.host/BkXyGY.jpg"></div></center>
For this round you must journey into the afterlife (or choose to leave if you don’t want to go) and find your loved one. Your post should detail your journey through the afterlife (it can be anything you want) and meeting with your lost loved one again. Be creative and have fun with it.
<b>Posts are due Wednesday, October 30th at 9am EST</b>
<style type="text/css">.rhylion_container{position:relative;z-index:1;width:550px;padding:0 15px;background:#030013;font:12px 'Times New Roman', serif;box-shadow:0 0 10px #030013;}.rhylion_border{position:absolute;z-index:5;width:10px;height:100%;background:#985470;}.rhylion_right{right:15px;}.rhylion_left{left:15px;}.rhylion_container p{margin:0;}.rhylion_container img{width:550px;}.rhylion_message{text-align:justify;padding:15px 25px;color:#D5C9E3;}.rhylion_quote{text-align:center;color:#985470;font:14px 'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;padding:8px 0px 0px 0px;letter-spacing:2px;}.rhylion_name{position:absolute;z-index:10;width:550px;text-align:center;color:#FDAE73;font-style:italic;letter-spacing:6px;font-size:26px;}.rhylion_parents{position:absolute;z-index:8;width:550px;bottom:330px;text-align:center;color:#985470;font-family:'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;letter-spacing:1px}</style><center><div class="rhylion_container"><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_left"></div><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_right"></div><div class="rhylion_quote"><p>and when i breathed</p><p>my breath was lightning</p></div><p class="rhylion_message">The first one to find her asks a question that brings a soft smile to her lips. <i>Is it you I’m looking for?</i> he asks. <font color= > “Only in this moment, but not truly. You know who you seek,”</font> she says, voice soft and kind because she understands. Understands the pain that her call has brought forth in all of them, understands what it takes for them to come here now. Her eyes scan the group as it grows; more than she expected and certainly more than she’d even hoped. Perhaps she should not be surprised though. Everyone knows loss, the only difference is the details.
A boy joins the group, asking for his mother. The question rips her heart in two because she cannot answer it. In her own life, she would have taken the boy home, she would have searched for his mother until there was nowhere left to search. He would not have been the first.
<font color=#985470> “I know your pain,”</font> she says, her voice soft but loud enough to hear through the gathered group of horses. <font color=#985470> “I have loved and lost, and now watch those I love from the other side, unable to talk to them. I can be here now only because the veil between our worlds is thin and because Beqanna allows me, which I take as her approval for this. There is a way to create a ritual that will allow communication between the realms of life and death on particular days when the veil is at it’s thinnest, as it is now.”</font>
She pauses for a moment, finding the words she will need to ask them to face the impossible, to die and come back again. Most likely, they could cross back, but she had no proof that this would work. There was no way to guarantee anything. Even if she could, the request is no small thing. Rhy lived part of her life with one foot in each realm and she was never the same as she had been when she’d known only life. Death changes you, and there is no way around it. <font color=#985470> “The ritual is simple. Anyone who wishes to communicate with the dead must come to the beach on the correct day with a token in hand, and their loved one will be able to find them. For this first time though, it is not so easy. Your token will allow you passage through this tear between the two worlds, and it will help you navigate the afterlife to find your loved one. You will be able to see them, talk to them, and journey with them to finish the quest.”</font>
Again, she pauses, letting the weight of that sink in. Perhaps seeing their lost loved one is worse than the pain they feel now, and she will not force anyone to go. <font color=#985470> “The choice is yours. If you choose to help, step through the rift and you will find yourself on my side of the veil. I can help guide you through the steps of the ritual, but otherwise, you will be on your own.”</font> She’d been thrown through the crack between worlds, but for them, the rift lowers, yawning open just before the ocean, inviting them in. Whether they choose to go is up to them. </p><p class="rhylion_name">rhy</p><p class="rhylion_parents">the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle</p><img src="https://k.nickpic.host/BkXyGY.jpg"></div></center>
For this round you must journey into the afterlife (or choose to leave if you don’t want to go) and find your loved one. Your post should detail your journey through the afterlife (it can be anything you want) and meeting with your lost loved one again. Be creative and have fun with it.
<b>Posts are due Wednesday, October 30th at 9am EST</b>