and underneath the layers, I find myself asking what's left
a hollowed out form, the skeleton of a ghost, the pitiful echo of what once was
There’s no grand display of power, nor of strength. Castile’s arrival is as placid as a lake, unsettlingly quiet without ripples, as he soars low across the Nerinian rocks. His shadow stretches far beneath, swallowing everything in its path until both Heartfire and Jesper slide into his vision. Together, they patiently wait for his muted arrival. A practiced shift of his weight and adjustment of his wings softens his landing among them. Pebbles groan underfoot as they scrape against his cracked hooves.
Castile knows nothing of why they are here, why it was decided to congregate within Nerine.
Curiously, his mismatched eyes blink away from them to instead observe the cliffs and to admire the roaring sea. His vision reaches desperately toward the horizon and drink the scenery feverishly all while his ears pivot to listen for voices above their own. Each minute brings him a collection of information before he regards them again just as they skim across pleasantries.
”Jesper. Heartfire.” Their names roll from his tongue in a low drawl, his expression unreadable for another moment while assessing and cataloguing their surroundings. His muscles are eager, prepared to take action if ever necessary, but the stoicism of the conversation thus far provides no reason to expect the worst. With a slow, calculated breath, Castile turns his head to steadily scrutinize Jesper. ”And what, pray tell, is the reason for this meeting?” His eyebrow lifts underneath his metallic forelock, a muted break of his stoicism to betray the curiosity lurking beneath.