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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  Will you join us on our lonely peaks? ROUND III
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Vollkorn+SC&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style> #mythicalquest{ width:600px; border:1px solid #8d6a5b;} #mythicalquestcontainer{ width:600px; position:relative; z-index:1; background:-webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, rgba(243,230,221,0), rgba(243,230,221,1)180px); background:-o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(243,230,221,0), rgba(243,230,221,1)180px); background:-moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgba(243,230,221,0), rgba(243,230,221,1)180px); background:-linear-gradient(to top, rgba(243,230,221,0), rgba(243,230,221,1)180px); background:-ms-linear-gradient(bottom, rgba(243,230,221,0), rgba(243,230,221,1)180px); margin-bottom:-190px; padding-top:25px; padding-bottom:50px;} #mythicalquesttext{ width:500px; color:#8d6a5b; font-family: 'Vollkorn SC', serif; font-size:16px;} #mythicalquestimg{ position:relative; z-index:0;}</style><center><div id="mythicalquest"><div id="mythicalquestcontainer"><p id="mythicalquesttext" align="justify">In the face of that massive, stony creature they come, and they give their answers. With features carved of sandstone, the unusual feline betrays no emotion, no flicker of approval, no hint of the accuracy in their answers. Her only response comes in the form of a rumbled purr, before she stretches forward, mouth gaping wide as she reaches down to swallow each supplicant whole.

    It must be frightening to them, to see nothing more than a large maw stretching to swallow them with no warning. But of course, the sphinx had already given her warning. It is not her fault if they do not understand the reward they sought.

    In a breathless instant, each and every one of them is tumbling down a sandy slide with only a yawning blackness at its end. Whether they scream in terror or find some unexpected thrill is irrelevant. The sphinx had upheld her end of the bargain.

    It’s impossible to say how long they slip downwards. It could have been an eternity or only a few moments. Regardless, when they whoosh from the end of the slide, they are spit into a dense jungle. Ferns cling close around them, the birds and insects nearly deafening after the echoing hush of the tunnel. Heat hangs thickly in the air, humidity drawing beads of water on equine coats almost instantly.

    As they reorient themselves, it becomes clear there is only one option in this depthless jungle. A single, narrow path that winds away into the distance. They must follow it, of course.

    And when they do, eventually, it brings them to a mountain. One surrounded by burning stone, only a narrow, rickety bridge offering passage over the bubbling rivers of magma. One must be very brave to cross that bridge. Or very foolish.

    And lo, on the other side, one would discover a castle. A stone behemoth guarded by something far more fearsome and frightening.

    A dragon.

    It’s terrifying, this beast. But as you look up, you see a face peering from a window high above, lovely and pale and alarmed. As you watch, she pulls the curtains closed, disappearing from view.

    And now, the conundrum becomes clear. Or more garbled, depending on the viewer. So what do you do?


    Congratulations on surviving the first round! Everyone passed! Pretty easy right? Well, now that the sphinx has tested your minds, it’s time to test your mettle. Everything you know of the Princess and the Dragon is above. So what do you do with this information?

    This is YOUR time to shine! Tell me how you respond to this situation.

    In this round the only rule is to have fun. There is not necessarily a ‘right’ answer here (indeed, there are many right answers. And one wrong answer), but remember, outside the box thinking is your friend! (Collaboration IS allowed if you like. Or you are welcome to go it alone. In this round, pretty much ANYTHING goes.) Your deadline is Monday September 30th at Midnight CST.</p></div><div id="mythicalquestimg"><img width="600px" src="https://i.postimg.cc/HLC7n42D/Quest.jpg"/></div></div></center>

    Messages In This Thread
    Will you join us on our lonely peaks? ROUND III - by Voracious - 09-26-2019, 12:23 PM

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