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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    someone else's gain will be my loss, ghaul

    I will commit my soul to your door tonight, and I'll last 'til the gas fumes float on higher

    All of the fear erupts in her chest and manifest into fury.

    Fury at the small, strange boy who now snaps at her, who opens his mouth and sends flames shooting in her direction. It doesn’t matter that he is a child and she is an adult. It doesn’t matter that she should have some level of control here. She feels the heat against her chest and the cold-blooded thing within her nearly snaps with pain and hatred. She clicks her teeth together, vision going thermal, jaw unlocking.

    If Beth and her daughter have to see her like this, so be it.

    She snakes her head out, snapping her jaws together. “I am the nothing that will devour you whole, little boy.” Her voice comes out cold and vicious and she manages to hold herself together just enough to not sink her teeth into his neck, although the thought does cross her mind. “Come near my daughter again and see how quickly I swallow you and leave nothing but the bones for the birds to find.”

    When her daughter speaks up again, she snaps her head toward her, nostrils flaring. “You are doing no such thing, Gospel.” Her voice is cold, finite, and she barely registers that she has lashed out at her father, let alone made contact with him. “Tell your friend that you are saying goodbye and leaving.”

    Adna grows still then, her sage green eyes glittering and hard, as she studies her daughter.

    “I am not asking this time, Gospel,” her teeth click. “I don’t think you’d enjoy watching me drag you back by your tail, but keep pushing me on it and that’ll be the happy ending you’re begging for."

    in a dying love I'm nothing but a stone cold liar but, oh, I got an iron in that fire


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    RE: someone else's gain will be my loss, ghaul - by adna - 09-23-2019, 11:39 PM

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