08-17-2015, 11:26 PM
infinity overhead
and i whisper, are you listening?
The world shakes and she falls to her knees. This is it. “It” doesn’t come although the smell of ash and smoke stings her nostrils. Warily her lids pry open, golden iris’s filled with uncertainty. Flames flicker not far before her, catching quickly at her beloved heather field and ripping it apart greedily. Her thoughts are far from the fire, no, it’s what emerges from the large dark hole the comet has left that leaves her breathless. Slowly she rises, not able to look away. For he is of the stars and the galaxies, color swirling in her vision. A shaky step forward, entranced. Tantalized. The fear gone, for how can one fear something so beautiful? Others come but she is blind to them and their words. The jaguar captured by something so much bigger than herself. ”You are…” Lost for words, unable to express exactly all thats rapidly firing in her head. ”Everything.” She gasps at last.