they promised that dreams can come true
We he had said, and the word rings in her head every time she takes flight. What a strange thing, to see the world from above, to leave the confines of her self created prison. How strange to realize someone cared enough about her to show her new things, to run off on an adventure with her. The idea of it thrills her, drives her forward to wanting more, to wanting connection and not just illusion. For so long her paintings, her imagination, had been enough. Those things were no longer enough.
She practices every day. If the day breaks rainy and dreary, she practices. When the sky is chilled, she practices. It doesn’t matter the weather, she flies, growing used to the wings that had for so long just been decoration along her back. Of course, Ori has never truly taken advantage of all she has been given. Horns for battle, wings to own the world, illusions to change the one she lives in. No, Ori has only ever sulked and lurked and painted.
Today, with the new moon only a few days away, she makes her way to Taiga to find her friend. It feels to strange and so freeing to be the one coming to him. Always he has found her. Always she has been in one place, so very easy to find. Now though, for the first time, she moves with a freedom and joy that she cannot contain. Around her, the world lightens with her mood, despite the gray day that grows grayer still as she approaches the forest. Taiga is not hard to find. She’s made this flight a few times now in her practices, though she has never stopped.
Today she lands outside the border, knowing it would easier to land without the trees. She was skilled enough to feel comfortable in the sky, but certainly, she was not so skilled as to slip in between the giant redwoods. For a moment she hesitates at the border, knowing she should stop and wait. This is not her land, not really, but she decides instead not to care, to be brave and daring. Besides, it would be easy enough to paint herself out of existence if something terrible happened.
So the spotted girl makes her way into the forest. The light around her fades, and she makes sure to paint the world around her so that she is rather inconspicuous, though not invisible. After all, she wants to be spotted by Pteron. Though she quickly realizes she has no idea how to find him, not here. Maybe it would have been better to wait on the border and be found, but she doesn’t doubt that someone will find her soon enough. No one abides intruders for long.
but they forgot that nightmares are dreams too.
Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission