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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [complete]  Third Time's the Charm, Which Everyone Says [Beqanna Fairies]
    He was finally back... the task had been long, more difficult than he'd thought, but he finally received a portion of what he'd gone back to Taiga to look for. And now he was ready to face the magic of the Mountain, Beqanna, again. And no matter what happened, he did feel he gained something out of this... something important, even if he didn't have the most descriptive word for it.

    The air had gotten colder since his last time here, but the stallion trudged on up the Mountain again, being just as careful to avoid slipping and falling all the way back down. He took his tip as he neared the top so his lungs could adjust, feeling the air get a bit thin the higher he got. Every so often he would stop if need be, since this time, he was not in a huge hurry to get to his destination. He had to think of the right words to say; he didn't want it to be an excuse that he had failed, that he hadn't tried, but he didn't want to oversum his experiences either because that'd be false report.

    When the stallion reached the top of the mountain, he called from the depths of his heart for the magic, for the fairies, of Beqanna to listen to what he had to say. He began in a calm tone, but as he went on, it took a turn from hopeful and soft, to regretful and failed.

    "I have done as you requested of me, but, despite my best efforts, I feel as if it was not good enough," he said as his eyes went down. "I returned home with the intention of prying as much as I could out of Lepis, to find out what scars she has laying on her heart, and though she seemed to trust me enough with what she gave me, I still continued to push her, to discuss a topic that was so obviously painful for her to recall.

    "For all I know she could still be hiding how she truly feels, but I no longer care for that. She experienced a tragedy that no mare should ever have to go through. Her meaning for Beqanna's lands, I cannot agree with fully yet, for I feel it seems a bit... misguided given how some horses may feel. However, my purpose was to understand why, not how, and now that I have heard what... struggles she endured, I have come to the conclusion that she is doing what she feels is necessary to protect others from the pain she felt.

    "No dam should ever need to go through what she did... and though I will not resort to her methods, I wish to protect others from pain just as she does, and I feel this helped me to understand part of her plight. I may not always agree with her choice, but if it will benefit Taiga and those who live there, I will do what I can, including listening to her."

    He took a moment to breath, "If you still choose me worthy enough to bestow a gift to assist me in this endeavor, I will never forget your generosity and understanding. But I see now why perhaps you denied me before, and what you said when I arrived before now. Perhaps I do not need a gift beyond what I possess to defend my home, and should that be the case, I will accept it.

    "It could come in handy one day, to save those I love, but that choice lies entirely with you. I can only hope that what I have done according to your guidance is enough that you will not push me for trying to seek this out for what apparently was deemed a selfish reason."


    OOC: Apologies that this took so long; Lepis and I both had busy schedules so we had to wait for each other. If the statute of limitations has not passed that would be excellent.

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    RE: Third Time's the Charm, Which Everyone Says [Beqanna Fairies] - by Aten - 09-08-2019, 09:25 PM

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