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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i thought of angels choking on their halos; any
    Mistaking hunger for love,
    I might make a meal of you and not even notice.
    He's jolted from his peaceful little world of quiet and thoughts when he hears a voice near him - much too near him. Vulgaris feels the thing bump into his hoof just before he staggers back in confusion while he tries to see the confused mess of scales and legs beneath him. Vulgaris has seen monsters galore, but shapeshifting is a new concept to him entirely. His bright green eyes are narrowed in confusion and a lingering sense of shock as the mess disappears somewhere into the grasses only to emerge as another horse. Tonight, he has learned that he does not like shapeshifting.

    He must look ridiculous with his mouth hanging slack while words all cluster at the back of his throat and fight for a chance to be said first. His gaze finds all the fresh little scars and unsettling holes freckling the other's body, only worsening his state of confusion at this point. Not only is the stranger a shapeshifter, but he appears to be undead as well? His father had mentioned something about being undead at some point but, being a young know-it-all at the time, Vulgaris had ignored his words in favor of whatever interested him at the time.

    His pointed teeth all finally meet again as his mouth closes upon hearing his sister's name. Had he said her name aloud? His eyes squint suspiciously as he maintains his silence for a few seconds more. "No one," he says once he's decided not to trust this stranger. Still, he thinks of her face, a mirror to his own. Her scales and teeth are somehow softer on the eye than his, somehow perfect where he is jagged and cold.

    Then there is another question and he realizes he hasn't even got an answer to hide from this stranger. He shifts his weight before realizing Set had used his name, making him meet his eyes suddenly with an expression of minor offense worn across his face.

    "I don't know that I want to answer anymore questions until you at least give me your name," he says with a light snort. He's always been too serious. Larva would have only laughed and played this game for as long as Set had entertained it. Amusement has never come to Vulgaris quite so easily. Then again, he's never really tried to relax his shoulders and enjoy himself. Perhaps, perhaps he can forget his worries for just a moment with such a curious acquaintance now.

    I am a bed of coals and your mouth
    sets fire to parts of me I forgot I could feel.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i thought of angels choking on their halos; any - by vulgaris - 08-17-2015, 05:11 PM

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