09-06-2019, 02:10 PM
She ached for spring. Bathed in soft tones, spring lingered on her like the final rays of sunlight before a storm. She'd never been a creature of the winter, and her soul rejected the cold with a violence that seemed impossible for one as slight as she. It had been with such youthful ignorance that Demetyr had set out in search of new and wonderious things to behold. Like a stubborn child she'd stamped her hooves and pouted until her parents had finally relinguished their desperate hold on her. She was too beautiful for that world - or any world to be had. The purity that danced within the twinkles of her eyes was one such light that they'd hated to see extinguished. But she had insisted and, so, they had agreed. Hidden behind her mother's skirts, Demetyr had always approached life with excitement and verve that never failed to gain her the attention she craved. Delighting in being at the center of everybody's attention, she spoke with rapt certainty that led others to believe that her world view was correct. Of course, she had very little by means of experience to prove the truth of her opinions. And why would she doubt them when she had never been told any differently? The shelter of her upbringing was one that she only ever been vaguely aware of. Not caring to peer out from behind the curtain of her parents' protection, the concept of leaving them was one that filled with excitement and anticipation. She was three years old, a mare grown as far as she was concerned. It was her right to fly the nest if she so wished. And Demetyr intended to soar. Beqanna was not a place entirely unlike the home she'd been borne into. Though its lands were vast and ever-changing, she found its simplicity charming as she bravely traversed into the Field. Endlessly it expanded, a blank canvas just waiting for an artist to take a brush across it surface to create something beautiful. She intended to be one such mortal being. A visionary on the lookout for the future that was destined for her. The promises of her childhood would not be diminished and she refused to allow them to fade as, for the first time, she became her own person. |