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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She sells seashells by the sea shore // Eva
    breaking like the waves down on the coastline
    breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

    Eva remembers the depth of the ocean. The top from the bottom had always seemed so far away. She loved exploring the open-wide spaces of the waters. It was always her and the ocean. There was no one else—no rules or principles of life that held you down.

    The memory of living alone feels like almost many lifetimes ago now. Eva doesn’t know what her life would be like if she had not met Adria. Meeting her adoptive mother had changed every aspect of the life she knew and was living. Learning that there was more of nereids like her, shocked her, but she was more than ever excited.

    Looking back now, Eva isn’t certain what she would do if she found out later there was others like her. When she was younger it had been easier to follow Adria to the tropical island she has now. If she hadn’t met Adria, then she would not be calling Ischia her home. Aeolus wouldn’t have even been born perhaps. The idea of not being a mother now was rather startling to her. She loved looking after and loving her little sea serpent boy.

    Her life was simple still, and for that she continues to be grateful for. Every day she gets to wake up in a beautiful place, see her precious little boy’s smile, and someone who loves her as much as her birth mother might have loved her if she had not died on the bone-bleached beach.

    Eva follows along the familiar path of the beach. She regards the dark clouds on the horizon. If the wind blew in the right direction the nereid knew the day would be a bit more usual. Storms often came and gone in Ischia, but often they were rare during this time of year. Eva, however, wouldn’t have mind a little storm today.

    Continuing along the path of the beach, her warm orange-gold gaze lands upon the horse with a fin mane and tai. A curious gleam sparkles in her eye as she studies the stranger for a moment. She had never met this resident before, or perhaps a visiting stranger. Intrigued by the fin mare, Eva closes the distance between them.

    “Looks like we might have a storm today,” she greets with the stranger with a warm and welcoming tone. “I’m Eva. I don’t think we have met.” A soft smile touches her lips gently. “Welcome to Ischia. Are you new or just visiting?” She asks with a gentle tilt of her purple head to the right.


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    RE: She sells seashells by the sea shore // Eva - by Eva - 08-23-2019, 04:42 PM

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