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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  Mathematics&physical exercise DEADLINE EXTENDED
    He listens as the faerie speaks, math and PE.....well at least he was good at PE! He could do simple math...so he can only hope this isn't some trigonometry task.

    As the faerie finishes off with three trails and the possibility of grouping up or going alone he looks around for a moment. It seemed everyone else had to contemplate the faeries riddle, but slowly the equines started moving and Nolin quickly found himself beside the familiar face of Cyprin.

    It seems the other horses all had similar ideas, but there wasn't much time to waste and so the pale stag and his partner, Cyprin, discuss and agree upon there plan and quickly move to the trails.

    They both grabbed a bucket full of water, and headed towards trail 1. It seemed to make the most sense, the infinity trail certainly didn't and trail 5 sounded like they needed more equines. It made the most sense to him and Cyprin to keep the numbers to the smallest amount possible, less likely to run into issues.

    They begin there Trek, it was already hot under the desert sun and the pale stag knows he is going to need every drop of his water, no matter how hard he tried to salvage it.

    The first hour seemed to go by lightning fast, they had discussed it before traveling, Nolin would have to fill up Cyprin's bucket with his own water and return back to the beginning to refill his own. He couldn't have a lady putting in the extra work after all, and so he did as they planned. He filled her water up till it flowed over onto the ground, <b> oops </b> he laughs before turning back to the starting line.

    He didn't want to dehydrate himself and so he walked back, filling his bucket up as he reached the beginning. Now he had to make up for lost time and so with a full bucket in tow he canters back to where he left Cyprin.

    It was already an exhausting task, going back and forth but when he finds the familiar face of his new found friend he cant hold back a smile. His pace was already set and together they cantered to make up for lost time. 

    They had to have made up for there loss time, half way maybe? Although an unfamiliar but unsettling sound rings into his ears, and it grows louder as they keep moving. It was like a rattling noise, he hadn't heard it before but his gut told him it was bad news.

    Still the pair pushes through but as they come around a bend the noise becomes clear and they both slide to a halt, graciously saving ever precious drop of water. His eyes gaze wide as he turns to look at Cyprin, snakes? Now what do they do? It had to be a breeding ground of sorts because there was HUNDREDS OF THEM!

    Of course they were blocking the trail and Nolin can only wonder if this is a sign from the faeries that this was the wrong trail...but he couldn't give up! Maybe they wanted to see who would outsmart this task and so he diligently begins to look around. It took a few moments, and they both used it to catch there breaths, but his eyes finally catch the answer! Theres a ledge just to the right of them and it allows a safe route around the snakes.

    <b> Let's go this way, </b> he nudges his nose into Cyprin's shoulder before moving to the ledge. It wasn't too high off the ground but still they had to be careful getting up. He nearly lost his footing but as he manages to get up and he patiently waits for his partner to follow suit as well.

    They safely make it around the the group of poisonous snakes, and again with a smile on there faces they break into a trot when they are able to leap from the ledge and back onto the trail's original route. 

    They seemed to be moving FOREVER, but somehow the end was in sight, literally! They two friends share a glance of exhaustion and excitement and together they canter to the finish line, or at least they think it is, there buckets filled with just enough water to cool down from the trip!

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    RE: Mathematics&physical exercise - by Nolin - 08-23-2019, 10:05 AM

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