Name: Beelzebub
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Dragon mimicry, immortality, flora revival
Color: Amber champagne tobiano
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/Aa/nCh/nT
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [DRAGON MIMICRY][IMMORTALITY][FLORA REVIVAL][halo][wings][glowing tattoos][color changing][wyvern mimicry][horn][golden shield]
Name: Brunhilde
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Companion animal (lion), fire mimicry, fire wings, butterflies
Color: Orange to yellow ombre with red points, base palomino
Color Genetic Code (if known): base - ee/Aa/nCr
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][BUTTERFLIES][FIRE MIMICRY][FIRE WINGS][lion shifting]
- Requesting a colt named Abyss
- If possible, I would like him to be red, yellow, and orange tobiano with a gold champagne tobiano base (ee/Aa/nCH/nT)
- Beelzebub used with permission from Jassal via Discord
- To be played by Phaetra
*if twins jassal will play the other - garth brooks for the name (u)
Name: Beelzebub
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Dragon mimicry, immortality, flora revival
Color: Amber champagne tobiano
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/Aa/nCh/nT
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [DRAGON MIMICRY][IMMORTALITY][FLORA REVIVAL][halo][wings][glowing tattoos][color changing][wyvern mimicry][horn][golden shield]
Name: Brunhilde
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Traits/defects: Companion animal (lion), fire mimicry, fire wings, butterflies
Color: Orange to yellow ombre with red points, base palomino
Color Genetic Code (if known): base - ee/Aa/nCr
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][BUTTERFLIES][FIRE MIMICRY][FIRE WINGS][lion shifting]
- Requesting a colt named Abyss
- If possible, I would like him to be red, yellow, and orange tobiano with a gold champagne tobiano base (ee/Aa/nCH/nT)
- Beelzebub used with permission from Jassal via Discord
- To be played by Phaetra
*if twins jassal will play the other - garth brooks for the name (u)
margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey