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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  Mathematics&physical exercise DEADLINE EXTENDED
    There’s children among them, and the teenager’s invention thankfully doesn’t get explained in all it’s details, so a not-amused look towards the little scoundrel is all that takes place. Points are awarded for creativity - the gel doesn’t exist in Beqanna, though it does elsewhere in the universe - similar to several other ‘inventions’. Sure, they get good points for their creativity to think of it - just a little less than the mythical or wholly new stuff.

    “Thank you for all your great inventions today. I’m sure many will be... useful…” he trails, noticing he is missing one creation, but he continues. Class first.
    “Unfortunately for you I can’t let you take them all with you. Perhaps someone still may - but we shall see about that later.

    For the last assignment, I will be combining an overall favourite and an overall least favourite subject. Welcome to…

    Maths and PE.”

    The class is transported to an outside setting: in front of you is a creek, one bucket each, and a trail that’s sure to test you. At first glance it looks simple - the trail runs from the creek into a plains, though the way is obscured by rocks and crevices so deep Pangea looks like child’s play. Looking closely, it more resembles a labyrinth - and for those looking even closer, you’ll find that there is no water source on the trails. There is a pool on the other side, but you’d have to reach it first to refill.

    Three trails are marked: with 1, 5, and an infinity symbol.

    Tir appears with his instructions.

    “Only one of the marked paths will bring you to the other side. This path will wind around the trail for 5 hours and bring you to the other side, but the buckets you’ve each received can only hold enough water to last 4 hours. If you’re out of water, apart from getting terribly thirsty, you’ll have failed your test.

    This task is not impossible - you are not alone, and the water source here, being a creek, will not run out. How many horses (each carrying one bucket) should you take with you to still make it to the other side? That’s the path you seek.
    I’ll see you there in five hours - or when I have to magically transport you out of the maze, which means you’ve failed. Good luck.”

    *All traits and defects have disappeared, so no flying over. One horse can carry one bucket.
    *Take the trail to the other side that is marked with the least number of horses you need with you to carry water and make it.
    *Describe how you cross the desert. This includes how you came to your answer to the problem, as well as any difficulties you may have with the terrain.
    *1000 word maximum. I don’t think you’ll need it but please, no longer
    *Assignment can be done individually, in pairs or trios, or with all contestants together. Your posts will be judged individually as before.
    *Assignment is due Sunday August 25th, midnight (23:59) CST.


    *Sevda: For your no-show and presenting of absolutely nothing before the deadline, you will be nothing - to others at least - you’ll not be able to speak. Perhaps this way, you will learn to pay a little more attention to what is being said and shown to you. This defect will last for a minimum of 6 Beqanna months, after that for as long as you’d like

    Messages In This Thread
    Mathematics&physical exercise DEADLINE EXTENDED - by Tir - the teacher - 08-19-2019, 04:03 PM
    RE: Mathematics&physical exercise - by Nolin - 08-23-2019, 10:05 AM

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