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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    to watch you lose control, morgayne
    The last time he saw Morgayne, she had gotten herself stuck with cactus barbs and kissed the blood from his lips when he helped her pluck them. If that did not bind their fates for the rest of eternity, perhaps her rabbit form colliding with his soft feathered wings would do the trick. He stumbles back in shock, lifting his knees high as he’s careful not to tread on her while she cries his name in shaking sobs. Malone blinks his bright blue eyes as he lowers his head, touching the velvet of his nose to her soft rabbit fur curiously.

    He might have laughed, if she did not seem so scared only seconds ago. His gold and depthless black wings curl forward so the foremost flight feathers rest on her tiny shoulders. She doesn’t seem to be hurt too badly, which is a relief, and so he kisses her forehead as gently as he can manage. It was something his mother always did when he felt frightened but otherwise unharmed and so he imitates her now.

    Rabbits have always fled when he passed near them and so he’s almost delighted to examine her in this form – the long ears, the tiny tail, the twitching nose. He thinks he might like the little animals after hearing her voice coming from one. “Morgayne… did that genie do this to you?” he asks as he lowers himself to the ground so they’re more eye to eye. Malone is careful to keep his wings spread around her so no hawks or foxes get the wrong idea and think she’s their next meal. “She took my brother’s eye so I had to go and get it back. Will you be a rabbit forever, you think?

    His black and blue eyes watch her curiously and he begins to wonder what he could trade the rose gold woman in exchange for Morgayne’s body back. He certainly doesn’t have another heart to just give away but perhaps she’d like something else? It doesn’t occur to him that someone else could bargain for his friend’s freedom, of course, and so he naturally assumes the responsibility.

    Messages In This Thread
    to watch you lose control, morgayne - by Malone - 08-04-2019, 08:22 PM
    RE: to watch you lose control, morgayne - by Malone - 08-19-2019, 02:49 AM

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