A spot of purple soared over the meadow, making long looping figure eights in the sky. A shadow passed over the summery fields of green grass and wildflowers, much too big to be a bird. It was a stain upon the shining gold sun, using it as a shield against the squinting eyes below.
Kirin was a scene, drifting with movements of powerful feathered wings. He was an Eggplant purple fading already into patches of Violet in its place. The marbled effect canvased his frame, even into his feathers, each one that molted returned the new shade. The colt liked being purple, he felt it set him apart, made him more desirable. Having wings was his pride and joy though, he never missed the opportunity to show them off, to stretch them wide for others to see. He enjoyed primping and preening, looking his best for everyone, women and men alike. Gender didn’t matter when you were only in it for you, they both made the same delicious sounds when you tickled them.
It was all a farce, a suit and tie to disguise the monster within. He swooped down to the terra below, tucking his wings into himself, a small cloud of dust billowing around his fetlock. For a moment he stretched and shook the feathered appendages, creating a display of their glossy iridescence. A crisp scent of salt and sea clinging to his pelt, he’d have a look around the meadow for his siblings. Or perhaps he would just have a look around, there was bound to be something to peak his interest.