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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    far from home

    She barely remembered family.

    Or rather, what she remembered about family wasn't pleasant. She assumed hers was normal because her background was all had in comparison. But Iset was starting to realize that perhaps families were different than her own. These two, Elysteria and Weir, were kind, and they didn't even know she wasn't worth anything at all.

    She listened carefully as the both spoke, a look of curiosity and puzzlement on her face.

    "I'm afraid-" Iset's voice cracked the smallest bit, before she recovered with a pained smile, "I'm afraid that my experiences with family may pale in comparison to this place. What I had… well, just talking to you two, and looking out over the harmony here, is quite different than what you have. I left home as soon as I could."

    She hadn't realized that until she said it aloud. Her decision to leave home wasn't spontaneous. Perhaps it was simply her breaking point. The wild unknown was a more palatable choice than staying where food was plentiful, but she was never enough.

    Isetnofret crinkled her face into a grin at Elysteria's words, her low musical laugh chiming forth. "I have a feeling there will be rainy days again. I never can seem to escape them, so when it rains again I will know exactly who to look for."

    The black mare turned her attention to the stallion. He was listening carefully, and form what Iset could tell, he seemed very intelligent.

    "It is very nice to meet you, Weir. I hope we will be good friends." And then to both horses, "Do you have jobs here in the Dale? What am I to do while I am here?"

    She didn't say it aloud yet, perhaps didn't even realize, but she was starting to think of the Dale as a home she could keep.


    Messages In This Thread
    far from home - by Isetnofret - 08-11-2015, 07:42 AM
    RE: far from home - by Weir - 08-11-2015, 12:27 PM
    far from home - by Isetnofret - 08-11-2015, 06:13 PM
    love is a temporary madness... - by Elysteria - 08-11-2015, 09:41 PM
    RE: far from home - by Weir - 08-14-2015, 09:46 AM
    RE: far from home - by Isetnofret - 08-16-2015, 10:06 AM
    love is a temporary madness... - by Elysteria - 08-18-2015, 09:31 PM
    RE: far from home - by Weir - 08-23-2015, 03:14 PM

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