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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I just wanna be somebody to someone {Tunneltime}

    She is not his usual type… then again he has been branching out of late. There will never be anything so lovely as Shroud with her wings full of thorns and her mouth full of his name and delicious taunts begging him to punish her but…He is a collector of lovely broken things. Whether they come to him broken or he breaks them himself is no matter.

    The demon, the darkness that brings Tunnel his pets is does not deliver this beauty to him. She comes in the light of day of her own accord, smiling like the sun that tries and fails to reach him through the trees. (Is there really a demon at all? Likely he’ll never know but it doesn’t matter.) It is strange that he desires this golden creature the moment he sees her, yet another mystery among a dozen as her greeting rings out prettily and makes his black barred ears turn back and then roll slowly forward.

    He is not used to being discovered, approached. Monsters crawling in the undergrowth don’t often find themselves greeted by happy foolish girls. His pets, most of them dark, seething beauties are elsewhere, sleeping or making themselves busy with little rebellions that will draw their master’s attention from one to another. Tunnel sees this as a boon at the moment, this bright thing might be put off by his petulant collection should she meet with them before he has laid claim to her. Some of them are jealous things who would happily anger him and fend off a competitor for his ‘’affections” and it is already too late, he wants this one before he even knows if she will be worth keeping.

    In the diffuse light beneath the trees, tangled with choking ivy and honeysuckle he is only slightly less forbidding than in the deep forest night he prefers. The blue of his skin is smudged and barred in black, his face stained sooty with eyes the light flat gray of a glaring overcast sky staring out of it. He stands alone, well apart from any others who meet in the forest today. The creature Tunnel, when approached by Eliana wears an expression of indifference that she may mistake for distraction, though he does not try to puzzle out why she approaches him. “Hello, Sunflower.” He rumbles in return to her sweet chirping greeting, one side of his lip drawing back slightly. Massive hooves back him away from her, away from the edge of the forest and those creatures from outside it who think to wander into this place meant for darker, crueler things. “Are you looking for someone?” Another might have cast their gaze around to feign confusion at being approached by a stranger, but in his masculine growl there is none of this duplicity and his eyes do not leave the woman’s beautiful heart-marked face.


    the heart moving through a tunnel
    in it darkness, darkness, darkness

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    RE: I just wanna be somebody to someone {Tunneltime} - by Tunnel - 08-03-2019, 12:31 AM

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