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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  The sun hung from a string, looking down on the world - any
    We got older and I should have known
    that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
    ”Ah, duty. Such a downer, don’t you think?” his tail moves, but only half-heartedly as he never loses his grin and the topic doesn’t seem to interest him. ”I travelled less when on the Isle, as well - but that was only after I’d seen every part of the world at least once.“ he tells her. He shrugs. ”You just gotta find yourself the right babysitter while you make… diplomatic visits.” he tells her; a day, or even two, could be spared easily when one times it between duties. Then again, as a sole ruler it was harder to let go. With regret he looks back on the days when it was uncertain who would lead the little icecube and more so, what they would be doing with it if he left. He’d taken it upon himself to keep watch and tire them out, but at the cost of hardly being able to do what he wanted.

    But it was in the past, and it doesn’t do to dwell on it, he thinks. Instead, he is amused by Kensa’s question, as it is not often someone doesn’t know of him or his family. ”Yes, we’re quite similar in a way, actually. Please tell me she didn’t give you too hard a time though.” he says, wondering if her visit had been all business; it probably was. Sure, his niece isn’t as much of a joker as he is, but they’re both stubborn mules in their own right, not swayed their opinions easily. Kensa might be right not to ask further, as they’d worked together and against one another as easily as they go. Though, he wouldn’t say that the both of them dislike one another.

    He nods when she says Hyaline isn’t a prison. ”Oh, I don’t often get stuck at all,” he replies in a tone that says not to worry about it. He lets the topic switch, as she asks about his former home. He nods. ”There’s not too much to tell - it’s icy, and than means only those with the traits, wits, and probably a certain stubbornness go and actually stay there. I procured it for Nerine as a safeland for our younger ones at the time, though I met too much opposition for that to actually go through before spring.” A sigh, followed by a shake of mane. ”I followed my wife out of Beqanna a year or two back, and left it to Jesper. I believe he is a good warrior, but actually with a head on his shoulders as compared to me.“ he gives her a guilty grin. ”I hope your envoy isn’t afraid of foxes.”
    no. 7 | ice forged in fire

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: The sun hung from a string, looking down on the world - any - by Leilan - 08-02-2019, 11:09 AM

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