07-31-2019, 06:31 AM
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lora|Nothing+You+Could+Do" rel="stylesheet"> <style type="text/css">.jesperlayer1{position:relative;z-index:0;background:url('http://i63.tinypic.com/30tko01.jpg');width:540px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;border:4px solid #000000;border-radius:50px 50px 250px 250px;}.jesperlayer1:hover .jesperimage{-webkit-filter:grayscale(0%);filter:grayscale(0%);}.jesperlayer1:hover .jespername{-webkit-filter:grayscale(0%);filter:grayscale(0%);}.jesperlayer2{position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#000000;border:5px solid #333333;width:500px;border-radius:50px 50px 250px 250px;box-shadow:0px 0px 10px 5px #000000;} .jesperimage{position:relative;z-index:2;background:url('http://i64.tinypic.com/2q060r5.jpg') no-repeat;transition:filter .5s ease-in-out;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);height:338px;border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px;}.jespergradient{position:relative;z-index:3;width:500px;top:-50px;margin-bottom:-50px;height:50px;background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(125,185,232,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%);background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(125,185,232,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%);background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(125,185,232,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%);}.jespertextbox{position:relative;z-index:4;width:450px;text-align:justify;color:#999999;font:14px 'Times',serif;border:0px solid #000000;border-radius:0px 0px 250px 250px;margin-bottom:25px;margin-top:25px;}.jespername{position:relative;z-index:5;color:#b2f6ff;font:80px 'Nothing You Could Do', cursive;padding:0px;transition:filter .5s ease-in-out;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);}.jesperlineage{position:relative;z-index:5;color:#666666;text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #3f808c;font:15px 'Lora', serif;bottom:25px;}.jesperpaw{position:relative;z-index:6;background:url('http://i63.tinypic.com/2gt5aok.png');width:100px;height:105px;margin-bottom:25px;}</style><center><div class="jesperlayer1"><div class="jesperlayer2"><div class="jesperimage"></div><div class="jespergradient"></div><div class="jespertextbox">The fox grunts when Sabrina's challenge rings in his ears and, echoes through his cave. He hauls himself lightly to his feet then, yawns and stretches every muscle fiber. He shakes his entire body and, when the last hair falls into place, Jesper emerges from his den. An arctic whip of wind greets him and, brushes through his dense silver fur. Springtime on the Isle did not change much. The high temperature does grow milder each day, which allows portions of the surface to melt. However, at night, the temperature plummets and, any liquid refreezes to become a dangerous patch of ice. This would be a slow, calculated duel as, any sharp turns or, reckless speed would risk injury to oneself.<br><br>
Once his acute senses locate her, thickly padded paws step out onto the powder dusted ice. Canine limbs execute an easy jog as he heads towards her. Her arrival on Icicle Isle had not gone unnoticed. She sticks near Crevan - a name that makes his hackles stand on end - so, he has watched her closely. Her natural body is equine, of a stockier build than himself, and painted in mahogany and cherry hues, with yellow eyes, and a black mane and tail. She possesses the ability to change her coat color and, can shift into a hound-like form. Her canine body is larger than him (as a fox) and, more closely resembles a wolf.<br><br>
Jesper's jog serves to loosen and stretch his muscles and, allows him to assess the terrain. It is solid and slick in some places. He finds that the overgrown fur on his paws helps to keep his legs from sliding out from under him. Before long, the fox sees Sabrina across the barren tundra. The terrain between them is blindingly white with a couple of twigs protruding through the snow and ice. A shimmer of ice is visible, in a few places, where the wind has brushed the snow away. The sky is as silvery gray as his pelt. An ominous dark cloud looms over the mainland. It could easily deliver swirling winds and snow to their dance or, it could stay east and head out over the rough water.<br><br>
Jesper focuses on the female. His crystalline blue gaze levels with her intense yellow eyes. Regardless of the form she sports for this duel, Jesper stood shorter than her and, more refined. He decides to partially shift into a light-boned, agile, black stallion. This way, he stands only a smidge shorter than Sabrina as a mare. He has mastered control of his two bodies and settles on a hybrid in which his head and nose are an equine's but, his pointed canine dentition lurk within. He also expends energy and calls upon his ability to adapt to his environment. Jesper grows his hoof wall to create bony, dagger-like spikes from his hooves' soles. The bony growths would offer more traction than his canine nails and, perhaps, could serve a secondary purpose of inflicting more damage during a kick.<br><br>
The black steed walks toward Sabrina, head-on. He adjusts his stride to smaller steps as he accounts for the added traction of his cleats. He may move slower but he felt balanced and, much steadier. He experiments with a trot after a few steps and, finds it lumbering but, not difficult. Jesper approaches at this clunky jog and, remains head-on with his bronze-tipped ears flattened to his poll. He might appear as though he is going to charge but, a few horse lengths away, he turns to his left and starts a circuit around her. He keeps his right shoulder facing her body. His left ear stays pinned but, his right ear trains upon her movements. She could decide to follow him with her sharp sense of vision or, she could poise her ready-to-strike haunches at him.<br>br>
Jesper follows the track of this circuit though, he adjusts his stride to catch up to and, approach her right hip. He turns cautiously to his right and attempts to draw along her right side, with his left side facing her. After he makes the turn, he lunges forward with as many strides as it takes to align his left shoulder parallel to her right hip. Jesper attempts to gain on her until his muzzle is at her girth. He stretches his nose out and unsheathes carnivorous teeth to nip at her elbow. The action is designed to toy with her instincts and push her forehand away from him. The bite certainly wouldn't shred much tissue but, could scratch some flesh if she stayed where she was or, moved into his grasp. If all goes according to his plan and, her head and shoulders swing away from him, her haunches would have to swing towards him.<br><br>
The next part of his attack targeted her haunches. After all, the hind end is where the horsepower comes from. A quadruped uses its haunches to drive more speed or, to balance upon when rearing. He steps to the right and shifts his weight onto his forehand. The studs on his front hooves anchor into the ice and, with less weight on his hind end, Jesper contracts the muscles of his gaskins to coil hind legs closer to his body. He unleashes them both towards the mare - aiming for her stifle - but, he would be content with a blow to her cannonbone, hock, gaskin, flank or, barrel. Once his hindlimbs return to their position under his hips, Jesper steps away from Sabrina. He picks up the clunky two-beat gait and, tries to draw away. This would force her to follow him in order to attack. Lobes hone in on her whereabouts while the black settles on a distance out of biting and kicking range. Jesper turns so that his right shoulder faces her though he continues to jog on a meandering track in order to keep his muscles warm and supple.</div><div class="jespername">jesper</div><div class="jesperlineage">carnage x bethanie</div><div class="jesperpaw"></div></div></div><font size="2">devin's∇designs</font></center>
Once his acute senses locate her, thickly padded paws step out onto the powder dusted ice. Canine limbs execute an easy jog as he heads towards her. Her arrival on Icicle Isle had not gone unnoticed. She sticks near Crevan - a name that makes his hackles stand on end - so, he has watched her closely. Her natural body is equine, of a stockier build than himself, and painted in mahogany and cherry hues, with yellow eyes, and a black mane and tail. She possesses the ability to change her coat color and, can shift into a hound-like form. Her canine body is larger than him (as a fox) and, more closely resembles a wolf.<br><br>
Jesper's jog serves to loosen and stretch his muscles and, allows him to assess the terrain. It is solid and slick in some places. He finds that the overgrown fur on his paws helps to keep his legs from sliding out from under him. Before long, the fox sees Sabrina across the barren tundra. The terrain between them is blindingly white with a couple of twigs protruding through the snow and ice. A shimmer of ice is visible, in a few places, where the wind has brushed the snow away. The sky is as silvery gray as his pelt. An ominous dark cloud looms over the mainland. It could easily deliver swirling winds and snow to their dance or, it could stay east and head out over the rough water.<br><br>
Jesper focuses on the female. His crystalline blue gaze levels with her intense yellow eyes. Regardless of the form she sports for this duel, Jesper stood shorter than her and, more refined. He decides to partially shift into a light-boned, agile, black stallion. This way, he stands only a smidge shorter than Sabrina as a mare. He has mastered control of his two bodies and settles on a hybrid in which his head and nose are an equine's but, his pointed canine dentition lurk within. He also expends energy and calls upon his ability to adapt to his environment. Jesper grows his hoof wall to create bony, dagger-like spikes from his hooves' soles. The bony growths would offer more traction than his canine nails and, perhaps, could serve a secondary purpose of inflicting more damage during a kick.<br><br>
The black steed walks toward Sabrina, head-on. He adjusts his stride to smaller steps as he accounts for the added traction of his cleats. He may move slower but he felt balanced and, much steadier. He experiments with a trot after a few steps and, finds it lumbering but, not difficult. Jesper approaches at this clunky jog and, remains head-on with his bronze-tipped ears flattened to his poll. He might appear as though he is going to charge but, a few horse lengths away, he turns to his left and starts a circuit around her. He keeps his right shoulder facing her body. His left ear stays pinned but, his right ear trains upon her movements. She could decide to follow him with her sharp sense of vision or, she could poise her ready-to-strike haunches at him.<br>br>
Jesper follows the track of this circuit though, he adjusts his stride to catch up to and, approach her right hip. He turns cautiously to his right and attempts to draw along her right side, with his left side facing her. After he makes the turn, he lunges forward with as many strides as it takes to align his left shoulder parallel to her right hip. Jesper attempts to gain on her until his muzzle is at her girth. He stretches his nose out and unsheathes carnivorous teeth to nip at her elbow. The action is designed to toy with her instincts and push her forehand away from him. The bite certainly wouldn't shred much tissue but, could scratch some flesh if she stayed where she was or, moved into his grasp. If all goes according to his plan and, her head and shoulders swing away from him, her haunches would have to swing towards him.<br><br>
The next part of his attack targeted her haunches. After all, the hind end is where the horsepower comes from. A quadruped uses its haunches to drive more speed or, to balance upon when rearing. He steps to the right and shifts his weight onto his forehand. The studs on his front hooves anchor into the ice and, with less weight on his hind end, Jesper contracts the muscles of his gaskins to coil hind legs closer to his body. He unleashes them both towards the mare - aiming for her stifle - but, he would be content with a blow to her cannonbone, hock, gaskin, flank or, barrel. Once his hindlimbs return to their position under his hips, Jesper steps away from Sabrina. He picks up the clunky two-beat gait and, tries to draw away. This would force her to follow him in order to attack. Lobes hone in on her whereabouts while the black settles on a distance out of biting and kicking range. Jesper turns so that his right shoulder faces her though he continues to jog on a meandering track in order to keep his muscles warm and supple.</div><div class="jespername">jesper</div><div class="jesperlineage">carnage x bethanie</div><div class="jesperpaw"></div></div></div><font size="2">devin's∇designs</font></center>