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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  here we are in the heart of the darkness; briseis

    I need you like a heart needs a beat
    but it's nothing new.

    There had been a time when they were both wild. When neither of their hearts knew how to beat for anyone else, but instead they just beat to stay alive. She doesn’t know how her feral heart knew to slow down long enough to get to know his; maybe it could hear the way the beats of his echoed her own, maybe it recognized the way it seemed to change and try to sync with hers right from the start. Somehow, it made perfect sense that the wild and wind-blown mustang would make her home with a beast that lived in the shadows. Somehow, it made perfect sense that the girl that was haunted by nightmares would find solace and love in the man made from darkness, with sharp teeth.

    Her pulse is a distant hum as she tries to ignore the way she flushes hot beneath his lingering touch, and she ignores the want that begins to burn and ache inside of her. She knew she could change the course of their conversation with a single touch. She knew she could press into him, that she could scrape her teeth against his neck, that she could leave heated kisses against his throat and that he would take her, without a second thought. And he knows that he could have her, anytime he wanted, and that she would never deny him.

    But, she waits. Her touch remains deliberately light, almost fleeting, save for the way she is still curled tightly into him. She waits, because she needs his sweet words just as badly as she needs his fervent touch; neither of which she had never dreamed she would need or want from anyone, but with Ether, she craved it. “You still hide, I just hide with you now,” she says with a laugh that fans against his neck, where her lips are busy caressing his cool skin. Between Ether and all their children, she found that she didn’t really need or want anyone else. She didn’t miss the rest of Beqanna, she didn’t miss the outlands. As long as she was with him, be that in his shadows, or in the shade of the Taigan forest, she didn’t care.

    “Do you believe in soulmates?” She asks him, her voice suddenly soft, and her dark brown eyes are staring earnestly up at him. “I didn’t use to,” she is almost absentmindedly tracing paths along his neck now, and across the ripple of shoulder muscle and then back down to his chest. “But you changed my mind.”


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    RE: here we are in the heart of the darkness; briseis - by Briseis - 07-17-2019, 01:49 AM

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