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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't let those butterflies out - any


    Admittedly these two had more in common than first appearances would reveal. Wolfbane had been born and raised in a wholesome, loving family. Full of siblings both adopted, half, and full while his parents were a strong unit. Longclaw, his sire, had other mares but Bane can’t recall if he ever met them or what they looked like. That was the way his dad had always been. A man capable of keeping his identities and desires separate but equal, though as a boy he was always told that his dam, Femur, was his father’s alpha mare.

    They’d lived in Tephra. The volcanic territory still existed and still remained a kingdom in its own right. Bane had left those sulphuric shores years ago, when it had still been an island and not part of the larger continent they called Beqanna. Never looked back, just kept flying and wandering until Arthas had found him and turned him into a Loessian.

    Now that chapter was ending and he was still living while Arthas, his mother and father, perhaps even some of his siblings had passed away. He would never age, never get old or get tired. His youth and shining vigor would stay exactly the same as they were in this moment; a bright-eyed, robustly confident stallion that Lilliana tries so hard to unravel with her bluebell-colored eyes. Given time, she might just accomplish it.

    She has plenty of it, apparently. “Lilli, the girl with lots of time. I like it.” Wolfbane admits in a few, short bursts of throaty laughter. He has a way of lifting his cheeks so that his hazel-green eyes narrow pleasantly, but his mouth never breaks apart to show teeth. It stays a firm, blue line that twists and glints in the play of light from the sun. “I live northwest of here in a place known as Taiga. Large forest, gigantic trees prone to mystery. Can’t miss it.”

    One wing unfurls with a soft whooshing noise, pointing itself in the direction of the redwood territory. The long, narrow feathers seem to indicate an invisible path that could take her across the river and through the small forest on the horizon. “That way.” He jerks his chin aside, not exactly keen on looking away from her just yet. “A quiet place but not empty.” His ears flick aside; the faint whisper of a breezy current muffling the sound of his wing closing once more. “Are you the creative type, maybe? Pioneering?” Bane smiles, “I get the feeling you could bring a fresh perspective to my home… if you’re interested.”



    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: don't let those butterflies out - any - by Wolfbane - 07-04-2019, 03:12 PM
    don't let those butterflies out - by lilliana - 07-04-2019, 06:28 PM

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