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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The things we take with us (Ruinam, Any)

    winter wonderland

    It almost felt unnatural to make decisions through his own volition, so used to staying quiet and following the chain of command that it felt odd to decide what to do next, though when the mare approaches him everything begins to feel right, her soft touch sending a slight shiver down the side of his neck, he enjoys the moment for a second before she pulls away, the stallion's eyes following her attentively.

    When she begins to walk, Ruinam follows with a smile "Of course, you are very intriguing, I wouldn't lie to you" he matches her laugh, catching up to her quickly as she begins to tour the Island with him.
    First, Adria shows him the Jungle, a display of vibrant greens and dull browns hitting him all at once as they walk, for a moment the stallion studies the jungle, though his eyes are quickly pulled back to Adria as they move on, his companion quickly following, his head close to the ground as he gathers all the scents nearby.
    The tropical birds on the island sing softly as Adria speaks about them, Ruinam lifting his head to take a look at the sky, to see if he could spot any of the birds, a vibrant parrot catches his eyes, the bird is decorated in a plume of red and yellow feathers, covered with small speckles of blue down its back.
    The mare then informs the visiting pair of a predator, introducing it in her own tongue, Ruinam tilts his head curiously "Devil cats eh? I don't think we have any of those back home, or at least I think we don't" she stallion grins, his companion now taking shelter under him, his fur raised at the idea of a predatory cat.

    Ruinam stays quite close to the mare's side as they walk, his head turning toward her as the topic of children comes up "I've never had any children myself, I'm not sure if I would be able to handle such a thing" he laughs gently, his side pulling closer to the mare "They must be very lucky to have a mother like you" he smiles, his muzzle gently brushing through her mane as they approach the waterfall.

    The heat on the island suddenly feels as if it has disappeared as the cool mist from the waterfall drifts toward them, decorating Ruinam's coat with small speckles of wet hide.
    The ivory stallion stands in awe as he observes the waterfall, watching the cool-blue water cascade down the rock formation and into the mass of liquid, a rather paradisic view.

    For a moment the stallion stays behind, watching the mare make her way down to enter the water, he admires her from a distance as she moves downward, his companion already somehow ahead of him and in the water.
    Ruinam slowly walks toward the water, halting as she turns back toward him "Why of course" he laughs, slowly and carefully making his way into the water.
    He closes his eyes for a moment as his body is drenched in the cool liquid, he moves toward the mare, relaxed by the perfect temperature as he swings his legs below him.

    His nose gently touches hers as he comes to a halt in front of her, his companion comfortably paddling behind them, having fun on his own.
    "Thank you for taking me here Adria" her name lingers on his tongue for a while as he looks into her eyes, soothed by the golden colour.

    He was thankful for her taking him and his companion here, trusting them and inviting them to her home, they needed the time away from solidarity, from all the responsibilities and troubles and all the worries, to take a moment of quiet and peace for themselves.



    Messages In This Thread
    RE: The things we take with us (Ruinam, Any) - by Ruinam - 06-25-2019, 03:25 AM

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