The question that she asks is not one that she has ever been asked before. It causes her to pause, with a look of concentration settling into the lines of her face. “I’ve never thought about it, actually.” Her answer is honest, but the question forces her to examine her own selfish tendencies. For all of her kindness, there was still something that had never quite clicked into place for her. There was something in the channels of her heart and the mapping of her soul that kept her from being entirely good. Her patterns were only patterns in the sense that she remained chaotic, always craving that high that darkness and vulnerability brought. She knew, without having to really think on it, that there were so many situations that she would not help someone, even if she had the ability.
“I’m not really one to long for any type of magic I don’t already have,” she says carefully, being cautious to tread past her own personal self-centered flaws and not reveal them. “I don’t know that I, personally, would trade what I’ve already been granted. But I suppose something like healing would be more useful to others.” There was no way to possibly explain where she came from in her reasonings. There was no way to package up the ruins of her life and tie it up with a neat bow and present it in a way that a stranger could comprehend, and so she doesn’t.
There were many that she loved with all of her heart, but her heart has always been a confused and broken and unreliable thing.
“I’m not sure if I was any help to you at all. I hope I’ve given you at least something that will work.” She touches her lips once more to the girl’s neck as she offers gently, “I live in Tephra, should you ever need anything. But I think it’s time I get Aislyn home.” Here, her dark eyes look to where to the black and white filly had given up on chasing the rabbits and was curled in a small bed of clover and wildflowers, dozing in the sun until her mother would rouse her so they could go home.
@[Izora Lethia]