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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    who would've thought it was pure gold; castile / any
    and underneath the layers, I find myself asking what's left
    a hollowed out form, the skeleton of a ghost, the pitiful echo of what once was
    Castile stares at her, listens to her, but a fire burns deep in his core. Anger bristles across him, but it does not show except in the flash of his eyes.

    ”You’re a fool,” he finally snarls as he takes a single step forward, holding her gaze with his own. ”Did you really think you could control yourself so easily and quickly? It took me years to harness my own abilities,” it was a turbulent process brimming with pain, fear, and heartache. Failure was the main artery in his learning – failure to thrive, failure to love, failure to protect – and yet Leliana thought herself better, stronger, to hold an unwavering grasp on her new powers. He wants to chase her away from Loess, yet his legs cannot – will not – move.

    He is forced to watch her as she straightens herself and admits to her faults.

    A summer gale kisses Castile’s skin as it warms beneath the unblocked sunlight. His head turns into it, breathing in the scents of his home and remembering so many of the lives that were affected by the war. The war didn’t only destroy land, but families. A wrench in his gut acts as a broken dam that permits the explosive anger to surface in the sound of his voice when he shoots his eyes back to the Tephran Queen. ”A Loessian child was killed, Leliana! A child that was never able to truly experience life or love – all brought on for a war you started for prisoners we no longer had!” A bold, challenging step edges him closer to her, but he does not reach to touch or attack.

    He suddenly reigns himself back, checks the sudden explosion of his anger and hurt at having seen a child plunge to its death. ”No, peace isn’t an option. I cannot expect my Loessian family to accept peace after what happened that day,” a brief pause allows him a moment to reflect on Loess’ ambitions and actions. ”We won’t bend to anyone’s wishes, either.”



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    RE: who would've thought it was pure gold; castile / any - by Castile - 06-15-2019, 12:48 PM

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