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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will you rail against your dying day; isilya

    It’s good to see a smile, even if it’s just small to start, appear on the other mare’s face and it warms Isilya right down to her core to see it. She’s fascinated to hear about how magic left, and then returned, to this place - and even more fascinated to hear that Leliana had not always had the power that they share! “It must be a little overwhelming, isn’t it?” Isilya tilts her head, an understanding and sympathetic smile in her gold-and-green eyes. She cannot imagine what it would feel like to live your life without magic, even though Leliana had some magic, and then to suddenly feel it coursing through your veins. She wonders if that is why the pretty mare is so quiet, so reserved.

    When the question is returned to her, the golden-skinned mare’s eyes brighten. “I have! I was born with mine, and both of my parents had their own version so I was able to learn how to practice from them. My mother could shape-shift into plants, if you can believe it! So transformations have always been a favourite of mine. We used to try to outdo each other by turning into more and more colourful and ridiculous flowers.” Isilya’s lost in the nostalgia, but there’s no sadness in her when she thinks of her mother and how long it’s been since she’s seen her. Only warmth and happiness at the time they were able to share together.

    “Before I came back I spent a few years living as a tree, you know. Letting the sun and the soil nurture me, whispering to the birds and critters that lived within my canopy and watching them grow. It might sound boring, but I have never been more relaxed in my life!” She laughs a little, feeling just a bit embarrassed. But maybe Leliana is the only one who might understand the draw to just lose yourself in the wilderness - and have the power to literally do so.

    Of course now, Isilya is playing catch-up with the world and she wonders if she should have spent so many years rooted to the ground.

    Her laughter dies and the smile that is left is small but warm as she easily slips out of her own mind and focuses on something much more interesting - her company. “Much like your healing, I imagine, the magic will come easier and be less daunting the more you practice and the longer it’s living inside of you.” She pauses, thoughtful for a moment, before continuing in a softer voice - feeling shy for the first time in a very, very long time. “I had my mother to help me learn, and I don’t know if you have anyone else but even if you do - you now have me as well, if you’d like.”


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    RE: will you rail against your dying day; isilya - by Isilya - 06-03-2019, 06:38 PM

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