nothing is more real than the masks we make
It felt smooth entering the portal, like silkened butterflies wrapping around bare legs. Soft white feathers dripped into her eyes and scattered down her back and along her legs in waterfalls where her mane and tail should have been. They tangled into her snow white wings tucked smoothly against her sides. Her coat was now a pure white that reflected like a freshly polished diamond, save for 4 long coal black stockings. Her muzzle blazed a deep orange as a black mask traced her sapphire blue eyes.
Upon entering the festivities her attention was drawn to the lurking, beautiful, wavering curtains of inky blackness. She would never forget their touch. A smile caressed her pouty lips as she wondered deeper into Hyaline, she had not been here before but if this was any indication of what it was like she didn't think she would mind her night here. It was beautiful in every sense of the word.
Her now opal hooves decorated with intricate lines of obsidian black stepped curiously through the beach's shoreline. She bobbed her head slowly, swaying it side to side, to the music that danced through her mind. She was always up for a good time.
"We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls." (Robert McCammon) she had heard these words worlds ago before she found herself amongst Beqanna and now here she is standing ankle deep watching, as she swayed, her white hide and white feathers mirage away into a deep black and then back again to white.
to show each other who we are