i just killed off what was left of the optimist in me
She is not quite ready to die. She has so much that she has left unfulfilled and so many things left that she wants to do. She wants to revive the east and bring them back into greatness – perhaps not the sanctuary here forebearers had wanted and expected, but a kingdom that could be respected and maybe even loved throughout the land. A place of peace, but with hidden steel that they would not be afraid to wield. She wants to find love; the type of true, beautiful love that leaves the tastes of roses upon her tongue and happiness at every corner.
She wants to watch her son and her daughters blossom into beautiful adults and find loves of their own, and perhaps even children of their own one day. She hadn’t even given the newborn twins a proper goodbye before she whisked herself away to Tephra. She hadn’t expected to get caught in a war. She hadn’t expected this, oozing her lifeblood slowly upon the beaches of her beautiful home for anyone to see. Her children are tucked away in the foothills and are going to stay there until she gives the word otherwise, but what if she never returns to them? Will they find her, or will she be carried out by the tide?
Hey. The word echoes in her mind and she winces against the sudden ache in her head, her body rudely informing her brain that she is losing entirely too much blood too quickly. A hard rap of his hoof against her chin brings her to open her eyes, and she fixes him with a glare against the brilliant sunlight beaming down on the both of them. He isn’t someone she knows, but perhaps he’s new to the Cove? “I’m not... dying,” she manages, voice raspy as her sides heave. If nothing else, she will refuse to die out of sheer determination. He asks where they are and her confusion deepens, but she doesn’t have the energy to question him.
“We are... in the Cove,” she tells him, the words coming slowly. Her mind seems fuzzy and she has to grasp for the words that don’t want to come. “I’m the... the Dawn. Clayton is the other.” The other what, she has no idea. The word won’t form in her mind, nor will they come to her tongue. She is fading faster than she would have thought possible, and all she knows is that she wants her Sunny to come rescue her.