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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Back and forth, any
    The meeting had not really gone as Aten had planned, had been hopeful about, but really, what could he ask for that Taiga couldn't offer? There weren't that many horses living here right now to begin with, it was understandable that the kingdom seemed... quiet, almost unnerving.

    Following his encounter with that wolf, Aten had left the scene with his falcon companion, letting his friend know he was all right and telling him to go take flight to stretch his wings out in a fun manner since he'd only been gone earlier in search of his next meal. Turul opened his wings and flapped them a few times to gain some height, staying within Aten's eyesight but taking to the skies to do what he was born to do.

    The golden stallion, deciding to wander Taiga's meadows to clear his head, allowed his hooves to glide over the grass as he walked on. Turul would swoop down a few times within range to check on his friend, and then would retreat to give him his space. After some time, Turul seemed focused on something, diving away and toward the grass. Recognizing the display, Aten figured his friend had located his next meal, watching wordlessly as he continued to walk.

    Not possessing the ability of dragon vision like the ice king, Aten was at first not aware that Leilan had come here to Taiga. But that was another upside to having a newfound sky-bound companion like Taiga's new leader; Turul was his eyes up there. The Gyrfalcon, still feating on it's meal, more than a dozen yards in front of Aten, spotted the much bigger creature first. Tilting his head curiously, he waited a moment to see if anything of bad consequences would happen.

    What it seemed this other horse wasn't here to case ill intent, Turul took to the skies again and flew back toward Aten. When he landed on the stallion's back, it took but a minute for Aten to figure out what Turul was trying to imply.

    The golden stallion picked up his pace to a faster walk, also spotting the ice king when he moved against the meadow's grass. Leilan was easily recognizable from this distance, and, being on good relations with the king, Aten decided to approach and greet him. Unfortunately, another beat him to the punch; a dark stallion with a blue mane and tail. Catching his scent, Aten couldn't help but think that he smelled like the wolf he encountered a short time ago. He vaguely wondered if the creature was still around, since Aten extended an unwilling invitation for him to stay in Taiga if he so wished.

    Approaching the two stallions, Aten did nothing but glance at the champange coated one before focusing his eyes on the ice king.

    "Good to see you Leilan," Aten piped up, dipping his head in greeting. "How have you fared in suns past?"

    @[Leilan] @[Crevan]

    Messages In This Thread
    Back and forth, any - by Leilan - 04-25-2019, 12:49 AM
    RE: Back and forth, any - by Crevan - 04-25-2019, 07:31 AM
    RE: Back and forth, any - by Aten - 04-25-2019, 06:36 PM
    RE: Back and forth, any - by Leilan - 05-08-2019, 02:10 AM
    RE: Back and forth, any - by Crevan - 05-08-2019, 12:37 PM
    RE: Back and forth, any - by Aten - 05-11-2019, 08:37 PM

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