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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  breaking like the waves down on the coastline; any

    Adria isn’t sure exactly what it is about the younger seamare that reminded her of her own mother, but there’s something there tickling the back of her mind over this encounter. She watched wondrously as the filly tried her hooves at standing again, surprised that her balance on land would come so quick but not exactly in disbelief. They were still horses anyways; even if it was only a sliver of their existence that tiny truth anchored them to land. Magical horses still grazed (be it seaweed or natural grass) and personally, she and girl still had legs for a reason.

    “Of course you did! There’s nothing you cannot accomplish, congratulations beauty.” Adria praises, finding a suiting nickname in lieu of the girl’s actual title. She let the moment grow and kept it for herself with the blink of her long, delicate lashes before continuing to tell the water-born horse what she considered to be the honest truth - that they were one in the same.

    Just as the news pleased Adria, it also seems to please Eva. Nothing could have made her new friend happier. Both mares share a breathtaking smile at the obvious connection which in turn makes Adria’s heart grow softer towards the girl, so she reaches forward with the gentle curve of her satin nose and bumps Eva softly with it. We were both wrong, and that’s ok she says without words, pulling back.

    For a moment everything seemed alright. For a moment Adria had her, until her tongue slipped loose from its polite cage and popped the happy aura surrounding them.

    “I see.” Adria murmurs softly, never once taking her attention away from the youngling that now stared out towards the crashing waves. Her heart, so soft already, breaks fresh in two for the immense loss this one has suffered at such a pivotal time in her early life. To lose not only one parent but never know the other… raised by the sea and just now building the courage to come ashore…

    “It doesn’t have to be.” The islander tells her suddenly. An idea strikes her hard and fast. “Only you; it doesn’t have to be that way. I could -” But she pauses, uncertain that such a fiercely independent creature would take her up on the offer. “I could stay with you.” Adria amends with a pleasant, hopeful glow lighting up her face. “I’m making my way to Ischia to visit that family I told you about. We could go together and you wouldn’t have to be alone.”

    It takes everything within her to hold back from blurting out ever.

    upon my journey i must go, to where the river flows



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    RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; any - by Adria - 04-20-2019, 10:54 PM

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