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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  breaking like the waves down on the coastline; any
    breaking like the waves down on the coastline
    breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

    She is blinded by the obvious facts that she shares a common piece of who she is with the other mare. It was only her curiosity of finding out why the ocean was kin to someone else that drove her to find out the answer. The sea might have been her home, but it was even filled with more mysterious than she would ever know.

    Eva beams back with a warm smile at the mare. When the other nereid steps back, she decides to give it another shot at finding her place on the dryland. If the other mare could do it, why couldn’t she?

    Moving one hoof out from underneath her and then another, she finds a firm grasp onto the shore. Eva pushes all her strength into her limbs, forcing herself up was not easy at first, but she did not give up. “Not this time again,” she huffs quietly under her breath as she encourages herself. Pushing her weight even more into her limbs and then firmly into her hooves, she finds herself swaying less than before.
    She continues to do so, and then finds herself fully standing now in front of the other mare. “I did it!” She beams with excitement, eyes wide looking at the vermillion sand colored mare. Eva gives a soft laugh before turning her attention as the island-accent mare.

    Eva could agree that this dryland was not forgiving. It did not answer her like the sea did. It did not cradle her like the sea had done when she first became apart of it. “We?” she asks with a tilt of her head on the other side now, not truly understanding what she meant. Eva thought she had been the only nereid to exist.

    The other seahorse was confident in her words at answering Eva, though she wasn’t sure exactly. Everything that the mare said was correct. Her brow furrows in confusion for a moment though, trying to make sense of it all. It sounded too good to be true, but maybe at last she was not alone. A grin quickly replaces her confusion as excitement consumes her finely chiseled face. “I never met another Nereid before!” She exclaims with soft excitement. It was bewildering to think that she was not alone now—she never has been!

    Every word and action from the other seahorse rings with excitement. It seemed she was also thrilled with the idea of finding out she was a Nereid as well. It made Eva’s heart flutter with happiness. Living her entire life alone in the sea so far had not been so bad, but there was at times she wanted to find another. Maybe that is why she finally sought out exploring the dryland. If she had not, then she would never have met another like her.

    “Others?” She asks with excitement as Adria mentions her mother and younger sister. Of course there would be others, silly! The seahorse even thought the same about it all, perhaps even more than Eva had recently. Eva smiles lightly when Adria explains to her what she is saying in her natural tongue. It sounds strange, but she likes the language that Adria speaks in sometimes. “I was definitely wrong too,” she admits, but she is happy to be wrong about this.

    Adria continues to beam with excitement at the whole situation. Eva cannot help herself either about it all too, except the next question that Adria asks hits her hard. Her excitement fades quickly from her eyes. She had not thought about her mother in a very long time.

    “My mother,” she whispers, glancing her gaze away from Adria to the sea and then back to her. “My mother is dead.” The words are said flatly, leaving little emotion in them. “I don’t know if my mother was like me,” she says quietly as she starts to remember the day she was born. It all looks like a blur to her at first, but the pieces begin to fit back together and focus once again. “She died giving birth to me, I think.” But she would never know that her own father was the one that killed her mother. “And then the sea took me away, and that’s all I really remember.” The sea had become her home, and she had become the daughter of the sea. “It’s only been me since then,” she adds with a soft smile because now she knows that has changed very much.


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    RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; any - by Eva - 04-18-2019, 01:54 PM

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