03-27-2019, 08:50 PM
She hadn't met any of grandchildren during her stay in the pampas, if anything she's a lousy excuse of a grandma. She had made no effort, which wasn't a surprise. she had always been an absent parent, it seems the same has settled onto her role as a grandmother. But she means to work on that, maybe not to Pteron, or to her daughter's latest child(Marni) whom she had yet to meet, but perhaps there was still time for her to fulfill her grandmotherly duties to both of her grandbabies.
The golden women wanders the pampas aimlessly, she found that she had begun spending most of her days floundering over the many species of flowers that bloomed across every inch of the pampas. She would pluck scarlet poppies, mustard daffodils, and alabaster oxeye daisies and intertwine them within her feathered plumage, creating a floral bouquet within her own wings. Every day creating a different arrangement, as the flowers beauty never lasted.
Today she finds herself fussing over a rather large patch of daisies, when her attention is drawn to the sky, the faint sound of flapping of wings reaches her navy tipped lobes, and her hazel gaze follows, to find a small gathering of winged blue pointed equine. Her heart skips a beat, her daughter had returned, and she wasn't alone.
With a flap of her wings, she prances over to the small gathering, wild flowers showering off of her wings as she steps, a sugar dusted smile lingers on her navy lips. "Lepis! Your home!" She expels her tone sweet, and fluid as it flows out of her lips. Her grin widens, as her eyes dart to the stallion whom Heda assumes is her daughter's loving husband, "Hello, you must be Wolfbane right? I'm Heda." Her words remain sweet, she always wanted this for her daughter the very thing that she never had, and perhaps never could have. Her attention fixes upon the young girl that stands beside hr daughter, she resembles the very spitting image of Lepis, there was no doubt this was one of her grandchildren "Hello there! I'm your grandmother." She exclaims with excitement.
Her attention shifts again, back to her daughter and to Wolfbane, "How have you two been?"
The golden women wanders the pampas aimlessly, she found that she had begun spending most of her days floundering over the many species of flowers that bloomed across every inch of the pampas. She would pluck scarlet poppies, mustard daffodils, and alabaster oxeye daisies and intertwine them within her feathered plumage, creating a floral bouquet within her own wings. Every day creating a different arrangement, as the flowers beauty never lasted.
Today she finds herself fussing over a rather large patch of daisies, when her attention is drawn to the sky, the faint sound of flapping of wings reaches her navy tipped lobes, and her hazel gaze follows, to find a small gathering of winged blue pointed equine. Her heart skips a beat, her daughter had returned, and she wasn't alone.
With a flap of her wings, she prances over to the small gathering, wild flowers showering off of her wings as she steps, a sugar dusted smile lingers on her navy lips. "Lepis! Your home!" She expels her tone sweet, and fluid as it flows out of her lips. Her grin widens, as her eyes dart to the stallion whom Heda assumes is her daughter's loving husband, "Hello, you must be Wolfbane right? I'm Heda." Her words remain sweet, she always wanted this for her daughter the very thing that she never had, and perhaps never could have. Her attention fixes upon the young girl that stands beside hr daughter, she resembles the very spitting image of Lepis, there was no doubt this was one of her grandchildren "Hello there! I'm your grandmother." She exclaims with excitement.
Her attention shifts again, back to her daughter and to Wolfbane, "How have you two been?"
Love Is Weakness
Mega grandma happiness welcome back <3
@[Lepis] @[Wolfbane] <3
Ex-Queen of Loess