In a world of vivid colors and gnashing teeth, she stands a smudge that draws the eye unwillingly. Beqanna is an entity of flying beasts and horned hellions that cut the cold winter air with sharp words and bellows of war. It is as if she were in a time capsule, sleeping deeply, a creature of only rose dapple and without fang or claw. A simple mare to the eye, tall with a pretty face, having seen much in the depths of her simple dark eyes.
She is in the field as though it is foreign to her. When she has been young she had attempted to find a home but it had failed along the walk with a blind stallion to a land far from her own eyes. Along the way she had been lost despite the efforts to find a home built upon security and community.
Oona is quiet as she watches how snow falls in the dying gold of a winter sunset. A chill ripples her rosey skin for a moment while small clouds form and fall from the edge of her lips. A sadness edges the brim of her dark eyes as she hates herself for returning to the lands of unwanted and untouched.
But a broken plaything left along a dirt road of ruin.
Patient and silent, the sun ends its evening prayers as a thin sliver of gold, the sky growing heavy with a darkness littered with star dust from a thousand silent wishes.
There was a star riding through clouds one night, & I said to the star, 'Consume me'