03-08-2019, 03:51 PM
Ugh god, his heart. She was an angel, and he could barely breathe when she blinked those gorgeous doe eyes up at him. Yep. Just like that, he was lost. His perfect little angel with her glowing wings. He hovered close while she struggled to her feet, fighting hard to let her find her way up instead of trying to swoop in and help her. Until she was up, and leaning into both of them, and just stealing the heart right out of his chest with how adorable she was. He glanced at Lee, eyes melty-soft and the world’s dopiest grin on his face like look what we made, isn’t she amazing?
He showered love on his Lee while their baby nursed, pressing soft little kisses to her forehead, brushing her hair out of her face, murmuring sweet nothings and telling her how utterly perfect she was and how good a job she did bringing their girl into the world. And then clearly it was naptime, and a well deserved one at that. Baby Lilette curled up to sleep at their feet, and he beamed at his loves as Lee fussed gently over their daughter(!).
“That’s okay,” he murmured, trailing the soft of his nose along Lee’s neck. “We’ll just make sure she doesn’t need to hide, then, huh?” They’d take the best care of their little angel. And unlike both of them, baby Lilette would never wonder for a moment if she was good enough, if her mommy and daddy loved her. Not for a single heartbeat.
He pressed a soft kiss to the line of his Lee’s jaw, nuzzled there gently. “I love you too, Lee,” he murmured, and he swore his smile took up his whole face, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t think he’d ever been this happy, not in his whole life. “You’re perfect. And so is she.”
He showered love on his Lee while their baby nursed, pressing soft little kisses to her forehead, brushing her hair out of her face, murmuring sweet nothings and telling her how utterly perfect she was and how good a job she did bringing their girl into the world. And then clearly it was naptime, and a well deserved one at that. Baby Lilette curled up to sleep at their feet, and he beamed at his loves as Lee fussed gently over their daughter(!).
“That’s okay,” he murmured, trailing the soft of his nose along Lee’s neck. “We’ll just make sure she doesn’t need to hide, then, huh?” They’d take the best care of their little angel. And unlike both of them, baby Lilette would never wonder for a moment if she was good enough, if her mommy and daddy loved her. Not for a single heartbeat.
He pressed a soft kiss to the line of his Lee’s jaw, nuzzled there gently. “I love you too, Lee,” he murmured, and he swore his smile took up his whole face, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t think he’d ever been this happy, not in his whole life. “You’re perfect. And so is she.”
image copyright Martin Stranka