As terrible as it sounded, Wolfbane hadn’t come back to Beqanna just for his son Pteron. The boy played a large role of course; Bane would be a liar if he claimed he hadn’t worried about his firstborn nearly every minute they’d been apart, but at the time of his and Lepis’ departure it seemed fine to leave the yearling stud out on his own. Wolfbane had left his home in Tephra around the same age, and that was before he’d gained the ability to self-heal even the most gruesome wounds. Pteron, he’d noticed, had managed to inherit that power of self-preservation as well.
Besides, there wasn’t a good way to explain that the entire reason he’d uprooted their family and flown away so hastily was because a psychotic relative was probably hunting him down. What would he have said? So you see son: dad has a grandpa who’s a little bit crazy and really wants to get me for some reason even I can’t explain, therefore my existence and ties to your mom, you, and baby sister Marni put us all in danger.
The questions would be endless and unfulfilling. Bane himself had thousands unanswered already. Why had Wyrm come out of the woodwork now? What even was it about his grandsire that made him so dangerous? How could Longclaw have known this was all going to happen?
The striped pegasus sighed, beat his own pale wings in a rhythmic pattern, and pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He should focus on staying North towards Nerine, since he was currently suspended hundreds of feet in the air and flying through more dense, winter cloud cover. “This damned season is the worst.” He commented aloud, and then a bright flash of color up ahead grabbed his attention.
There it was again.
Like strange signals, he could discern hints of gold and blue peeping out from the thick haze around him. What? … His thoughts trailed off, seeing it again but now a bit further out. Whatever it was, it was quick, and in the moment Wolfbane forgot all about his trip to Nerine and Heartfire’s vision. He drew his wings to his sides and tucked his forelegs near to his chest, skyrocketing after the curiosity.
In the span of a few beats he was trailing close behind and could see that the colors made up one whole creature: a pegasus not unlike himself, hellcat fast and not tiring out anytime soon. In all his years Bane had yet to find his equal or greater in the sky; when it came to speed and quick maneuvers, he considered himself one of (if not the) best. That fact was a matter of pride to the stallion, yet all of a sudden here was someone that might upset his spotless record.
“You come here often?!” He shouted out cheekily, determination gleaming in his hazel eyes.
Refugee of Loess : Member of the Southlands
@[Rae] for board purposes I posted this here but for plot purposes I’m imagining him/them somewhere over Taiga