Our skin gets thicker, living out in the snow
Crevan feels the approach of Amet nearly the same instant he smells the dragon-like horse. Scales, like bright copper coins flattened and layered over his skin, give a metallic scent to air. He tips his brown nose to the side and whuffs quietly, tasting the aroma which hadn’t crossed his path in years, and shudders as the force of Amet’s nihilism smothers the wolf spirit inhabiting his soul. With the painful lurch of his gut and a wrenching jerk of his shoulders, Crevan shapeshifts from a large canine to a heavy, dark-colored stallion just before the Hyaline horse goes quiet again.
“You undead freak.” He spits, unsteady on legs which would be familiar to nearly every other Beqanna horse. The last time he ran as a stallion it had been for Merida, when they’d coupled together. Shiya had come from that bond and ever since, Crevan had firmly remained as a wolf with his fox family. This body had never suited him. “Imagine my surprise, coming across mother’s grave only to smell it defiled by Jah-Lilah.” He tried to snarl.
“Have you all come back, then? Is my worthless brother around here somewhere, complaining? Has Canaan come too? Wait- ” He pauses, ears flat against his neck, “I forgot that his speciality was being invisible nearly two-thirds of my life. Of course he wouldn’t have tagged along.”
If only this were a joke being shared between two longtime friends, then maybe Crevan could laugh. The reality of that statement, however, was too serious to be denied. It dripped sarcasm, tainted with barely veiled hate. “You reek of the red gypsy. Even in this shape I can smell her coming off you in waves.” The wolf-shifter rumbled in his chest, totally motionless. In the heavy dark he seemed almost black in color; only the glint of his wild eyes winked now and then with the movement of his head.
Around them Hyaline fell into a hush. What little creatures scurried about at night had all fled, driven away by harsh words and heavy hooves. Only the wind rustled through the leaves, obscuring the night sky above as the treetops swayed. “I don’t want to catch either of you there again, Amet.” The younger immortal snorts. “Tell Jah she’s lucky I didn’t find her.”
So this took forever and I’m SORRY @[Amet] @[Jah-Lilah]