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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    some things never change; open
    I like the way the chains lie draped across the proud stallion’s hide, separating dead tissue from the living and leaving raw pink trails in their wake. I study him as I approach, yellow eyes gone deadpan, the corner of my mouth twisted into a permanent smirk …

    I waken with a start, mismatched lids snapping open to reveal milky, dead eyes. The air is cool and damp. My ears twitch with the sound of dripping water; slowly my scope widens and the rushing sound of a river is apparent. Rain falls in a cool mist, beading on the flowers growing through my rotted hide, the sand cool beneath phantom muscles. Neurons fire and I attempt to rise but my bones, long relieved of their flesh, lie in a scattered pile down the shore. It is only a moment before irritation cauterizes my confusion and as the shadows converge on my death-stricken form, hooves and long bones leave furrows in the sand …

    I’m standing once again, something I have not done in years, skin and hair knitting themselves together, eyes once again an unearthly gold-color as I squint out across the ocean. Silver Cove had once been my territory. Never a home, simply a place to call my own … The Chamber had always been home. Instinctively I turn in her direction, nostrils flared wide. Did Rodrik still rule or had some other risen to power? How long has it been since I walked these lands. I take a deep breath, dusty lungs filled with sea-salt air, and step into the kingdom I once ruled, the kingdom that will forever be home …

    The atmosphere ripples; a hoof and then a torn and scarred body follows, the portal closing behind me with a soft sigh. She’s not changed much and yet, everything is different. The pines and spruce still stand sentinel, dark and foreboding against a boulder-strewn forest. Evidence of her trials and tribulations – the scorched earth, the collapsed slave pens, the cracked and blood-soaked ground – is obvious if you know where to look. Gone are the scents of my childhood, Mother and my privileged life; yet here is the site of my first battle; the scene makes my scars itch as I pass reverently through the shadows. Lost in my wandering, unconcerned in my well-deserved arrogance …

    Messages In This Thread
    some things never change; open - by Set - 08-10-2015, 01:31 AM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Warship - 08-10-2015, 12:07 PM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Gryffen - 08-10-2015, 03:41 PM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Set - 08-16-2015, 12:37 AM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Killdare - 08-16-2015, 07:59 AM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Gryffen - 08-16-2015, 01:57 PM
    RE: some things never change; open - by Warship - 08-23-2015, 09:51 PM

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