you should see me in a crown
your silence is my favorite sound
A stallion smelling of smoke greets her and Leokadia looks at him with her strange white-blue eyes and her unusual mind memorizes him instantly and completely (at least this physical representation). She catalogs forever every tiny strand of color in his mismatched eyes, the exact timbre of his husky voice, forming the most perfect picture of him without being able to help it.
”Castile.” She repeats, as though she needs to do it to help herself retain his name. Measuring his responses to see what he needs from her, what he hopes to find in a sickly little mare dropping into the middle of his home. Her small ears are trained on him, nostrils flaring as she shifts in a hot blooded way at odds with her frailty. Maybe he desires her, maybe he wants to eat her… she’s seen stranger things in this world. “Leokadia. Call me Lo if it pleases you.” He is attractive. She is supposed to notice those kinds of things at this point in her life, but attraction is a weapon she has not yet tried to wield and the sharp points of her hips do not seem suited to playing the temptress. But maybe he likes his women or his supper to be knocking on death's door.
She does not come here expecting much more than a greeting and a bit of posturing, it’s what she’d seen in Pangea before she’d helped kill whats-his-name (she doesn’t remember, it had been before her head had become a repository for everything). Castile surprises her by being more friendly than the strange creatures she’d encountered in the risen-land.
“Loess. Yes.” As her own gaze flips over the land (monotonous, familiar after these 10 minutes standing in it). “I would like to stay. If you are offering the opportunity?” He implied it, but it seems appropriate to ask as she adjusts her wings to settle more tightly against her back and sides rather that cloaking her slender body, as though she is relaxing herself to remain here on the earth beside him.