There were so many changes in Nerine, she doesn't know how mother and father keep up with it. How do they trust every single leader, she is on her third ruler since she has been born. The politics truly seem like too much, how do the kingdom members pretend to like there ruler? When is enough, enough?
She just did not fully understand it all, both her mother and father were such good kingdom members. They obeyed each and every ruler, regardless how the kingdom felt, both parents held good positions and had honor in Nerine. Agave tried to amount to something, but it all seemed rather useless to her. What is the point in wasting your time with all the politics? Sucking up to the ruler, regardless if you like them or not.
She wanted to see more of beqanna, and to clear her head, and that was exactly the reason of her trip. The equine was within her feline form, the spotted cat makes her way through multiples kingdoms. She honestly was not fully aware of which kingdom she was currently within, so when she hears the sound of another coming she quickly pounces into a nearby tree.
She lays on one of the low level branches, her tail dangles down and her paws are crossed. She patiently waits to see who it is that appears, and who's kingdom she trespasses within.
Tread Lightly
@[litotes] <3