It sounded familiar enough. She wasn't quite sure what Malka meant by mythic and non-mythic as she had never encountered such a thing herself, but she tried to keep an open mind. Her home was similar to Beqanna's standard herd, it seemed. One king ruled a series of smaller herds, each leader with a mate and a strict line of succession. Her own father was the head of the King's Guard, bestowing on her family a great deal of honor despite their lack of royal blood. Her home herd was a bit primitive and violent--even her father acquired her mother, his mate, while ransacking a lower herd. Lucky for them, they fell madly in love. Maybe that's where Romi got her ever-bleeding heart.
Now the bachelorette kingdom, that was more Romi's style. She had been questioning of the monarchy that her family served for a long time--well before her mate chose rank over her. That day, however, was the proverbial straw that broke the grey mare's back and she had already decided she wouldn't play that game. It was one thing to be faithful to your duty and honor--it was another to abandon those you love to get it.
When asked where she was from, Romi glanced back the way it came. Her homeland didn't really have a name--at least not one that she knew. It was a land of green grass and warm water, and clouds that ate the mountains. The soil was rich there and the horses were far and away the rulers of the kingdom. They weren't mythics like there seemed to be here, though. Their power came from their strength and blood.
Her longing gaze turned back to the other mare. "South of here," she said, trying to place it. "A few days' time...though I didn't pay much attention when I left so I'm not sure I could make my way back if I wanted to."
"A kingdom of mares..." she said with a slight chuckle. "That sounds wonderful. I can only assume it functions better than any other kingdom." Can you imagine the simplicity? Though she loved the men in her herd and family she could assume that diplomatic relations and organization as a whole would be much easier without their constant fighting and prideful comparisons.
Romantic Pretense
Where does the good go?
ooc; sorry, this was a quick one. I'm going out of town tonight/Saturday so I wanted you to have something to reply to!