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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Keep your dreams in check; Kagerus, anyone!

    { and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    When the boy agrees with my assessment of Hyaline's beauty, I cannot help but to smile; it warms my heart to know that the next generation is appreciating her the way I did, with enough gusto to ensure that the Sanctuary will continue within the heart of the kingdom for a long, long time. For as long as I am alive, anyway, I intend for this scheme to continue; the hurt and broken of Beqanna deserve somewhere beautiful to come to. Those people, and this land, are my life's calling.

    With a gracious smile shimmering gently upon my dark lips, I listen intently to Rouhi's svelte explanation of his arrival to Beqanna. He says it was a while ago, though he doesn't appear a day over six years old - a baby, compared to me, who is in turn a baby compared to many others. In the end, his freshness to Beqanna is what lends him youth, for with immortality, age ceases to be a topic of controversy at all. With time, Rouhi will be no exception to that rule. Anyway, he is already doing better than some who come through and are shocked by what they find; he mentions the mysteriousness of the land, and the surprises it is filled with.

    His next communication, however, is nonverbal. With a last lingering glance to the predator napping at his hocks, Rouhi pivots his hips and faces me more squarely, illustrating with his body a kind of trust which would grate horrendously against any equine's instincts. Although he needn't show such trust to me, especially on our first meeting, I meet his eye with my own, which twinkle happily. A dip of my head shows that I acknowledge his gesture; and I silently chastise Panthera who has teasingly mentioned eating the kind stallion for all his niceties. Be quiet, cat, and have your nap.

    Smiling secretively, I shift my weight in preparation to answer Rouhi's questions. "I deserve little admiration, my friend; I am but a servant to the Sanctuary, and along with my wife, the woman who has been entrusted to take care of it. I'm glad, however, that you like it here; as a Hyalinian, you are welcome in the Cove at any time, and are one of my own subjects by extension. Thank you for your service to us thus far; it has not gone unnoticed." I am referencing his bringing in of a recruit, and his efforts in the kingdom visits which took place a month or two back. 

    "As for having Hyaline under our rule, it was a breeze compared to what we handle now. One kingdom is a handful, but we had the luck of curating a pacifist nation; now, with three lands to account for beneath a single banner, things are much harder to juggle. But Solace and I have the politics of it figured out for now, and you have already done your part by participating in Hyaline, and I have no doubts that you shall continue on that path."


    Caretaker of The Sanctuary
    Lover of Solace
    Immortal, antlered Dreamweaver

    [Image: kag]

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    RE: Keep your dreams in check; Kagerus, anyone! - by Kagerus - 01-30-2019, 08:36 PM

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