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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Lead me into the dark and I shall follow; Any

    how come I never got used to the feeling of sleeping in a cage?
    too long driving, too damn hungry; a tied-up hound but nothing stays

    The words seamlessly roll off her tongue for a long while until deciding better of it. Nothing changes in her expression, not even her tone of voice. When he questions further – still probing, still wanting answers – Valdis merely shrugs. ”Not sure. How interesting it would be to read her mind,” if only she had the capability of thumbing through dearest memories and treasured secrets. So much would be unlocked and knowledge would rest at her fingertips. It would help solve the mystery that has occasionally burned at the edges of her thoughts. What disdain and mistrust the Queen holds toward Valdis remains unknown, but it’s mutual. For some reason, even the former princess keeps Mary at arm’s length.

    With a quirked brow, Valdis lets slip her gaze again toward the fox. ”He’s cute at least,” she compliments with an admiring grin. It would likely prefer the frigid temperatures of Icicle Island, but perhaps there’s a reason it came here instead, following Ruinam’s company. Valdis vaguely remembers Hyaline’s resident wildcat. It tried grounding her once, tried preventing her from wandering off with Lepis as a foal. Perhaps the… cougar? Lion? (Why is her memory failing?) has crawled into its den since the plague riddled Beqanna. Either way, she hasn’t seen it since her childhood, and she can’t entirely complain.

    Taking pause, Valdis realizes how much she has spoken and how much she has indulged. Too much, maybe. What’s to stop him from reiterating what she has said to Mary? Licking her lips, she simply asks, ”Tell me about yourself. Tell me your dreams, nightmares, aspirations… everything.” It could blossom into a friendship, or something more, but in the crevices of her mind she realizes she may be too ambitious for real friends.



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    RE: Lead me into the dark and I shall follow; Any - by Valdis - 01-22-2019, 04:34 PM

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