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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the ocean never sleeps or dreams, eight.
    you've got to move slowly, take and eat my body like it's holy.
    There’s a perfect little hole in her heart and he slips right in like he was cordially invited. Roll out the welcome mat, don’t bother to wipe your feet. He’s all calm and collected like she dreams of being and this fact wraps around her throat tight until it nearly chokes. Has anyone ever been so grateful for a noose to hang themselves with? Eight’s foot is poised on the chair keeping her alive but her eyes are daring him for that one good kick. She hasn’t learned the hard lessons yet and it’s plain to see when she just curls closer to that wild energy radiating off his skin. God, she wants to be taught.

    The sage green eyes narrow slightly when he insists on calling her small but she just keeps standing tall. As tall as a quaking little fledgling can, she supposes. Sabbath has never known whatever this feeling is and it makes her want to crush the life from him. She could snap her jaw out of place and swallow the limbs whole, leave the torso to the birds that’ll come after. He could never plague her with this monsoon of Want if she just tore the light from his eyes, she tells herself.

    Her dark head tilts when he invites her to his wing and she watches him as her legs carry her the last step – slow, bracing for some trick. But the hunger is a howling beast that refuses to be denied even in a serpent as young as her. It drives her mouth over that delicate joint while her lips tremble. This moment tastes like Vulgaris never left, like her mother never woke her up with the sound of her crying. Her teeth hovering over his soft flesh smells like her family is whole again.

    So she takes it.

    Her fangs sink into him and his blood floods her mouth, almost too hot. She manages to hold back her venom but her jaws refuse to release their grip on him now that they finally have him. Kick the chair or cut the rope, she thinks as she begins to swallow the bits of feather and blood pouring down her throat. He tastes like copper lullabies and the empty black space between the stars above them. Empty and yet so wildly alive with something she has never known before. Sabbath wants to stuff it all into her mouth and keep it to herself, tucked safe in her belly where no one can pry it from her.

    But something in her pulls her back. The girl stumbles back, her face a mess the color of cherries. She dares to meet his eyes again but she can’t feign her defiant bravery this time. Her shoulders shake visibly and it takes a while for words to find her lips again.

    What are you?” she finally asks, suddenly so full without a single bite of meat.


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    RE: the ocean never sleeps or dreams, eight. - by Sabbath - 01-17-2019, 10:20 PM

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