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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    i've never fallen from quite this high; anyone

    The walk with Leilan had been quite pleasant so far, the bay stallion didn't particularly mind the cold at the moment, valuing companionship over the need to stay warm. The pair walk quietly along the icy landscape, the snow beneath their hooves crunching as their weight pressed upon it. As they wandered, the bay stallion paid close attention to what Leilan was pointing out, the bay male nodding quietly as he observed the landcape, it had a beauty hidden within it to those who braved the cold, of course, Aziz had not been here long enough to call himself brave enough to endure such weather, he planned on remaining in the icy lands, a small hope still burning within him that maybe one day it would be warmer.  

    The walk begins to feel tiring at some point, trudging through snow, his legs quickly becoming soaked in the cold liquid, attaching to his underside like a parasite, stinging him. Reminding him it was still there.
    The male shakes his body in response to the cold attaching himself to him, his warm breath creating a hazy mist for a few seconds in front of them, his eyes searching the vivid expanse for any signs of life.
    Although it was pretty lonely for the moment, the stallion still valued the silence of it all, a land that seemed quite peaceful.

    At some point both the horses stop, Aziz shivering slightly as he shook his coat, getting rid of any remaining snow the stuck to his clean coat.
    Aziz turned to look toward Leilan, he too could smell the scent that Leilan was scenting but did not pay much attention to it seeing as there was no one there, or was there?
    Before Aziz could look around Leilan had already mentioned the presence of another horse, adding that they were not a threat "Alright" the stallion nodded, looking ahead of himself as he tried to search for any movement, Leilan is already confronting the ghostly presence as Aziz settles in the cold ground, the stallion shook his legs softly, the snow underneath him separating to reveal only icy ground which was a lot more pleasant to stand on.

    Aziz stood slightly further than Leilan, he probably wouldn't be doing any talking anyway and so refrained from going any closer than he should, a small element of respect also causing him to stand down, standing by the side of the leader quietly and patiently, a small breeze of rushing air flowing inbetween them, cutting the thick silence with loud whistles, causing Aziz to shiver.

    As they stood shrouded in silence, the bay man's stomach began to growl, Aziz peered downward in a motion of confusion, perhaps he had not eaten in a while, as he thought of it he realised he probably hasn't eaten since leaving the meadow, Aziz turns to Leilan and shrugs, returning his gaze toward where the scent of the horse lurked, the male huffed quietly, expelling streams of steam from his flared nostrils as he stood, his body lifting at the sound of movement, the male's ears quickly pivoting to listen.  


    —lost and forgotten—

    @[Leilan] @[Pteron]
    [Image: N3F7IUd.png]

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    RE: i've never fallen from quite this high; anyone - by Aziz - 01-16-2019, 10:20 AM

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