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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Dance with me snowflake [ Nalia]
    When the entire mess with the Plague started and Nalia found out about the Isle, she didn't know how she really felt because Nerine had already been spreading itself thin. In between residents that were sick, trying to keep out those who were severely infected, and trying to find a new refuge to try and escape the sickness, life had been very crazy.

    Add in that once the Isle was discovered, many horses left the mainland to try and claim it for their own. Nalia had gone there herself, mostly out of curiosity, but also to check in with the other Nerinians who had gone there. At one point, she'd even followed a quest to the Isle to try and help find a cure for the plague. Unfortunately, to this day, the defeat still stung, and left a reminder in the form of the ice crystals in her mane and tail.

    Not that she minded them anymore. It wasn't the appearance of the crystals themselves that bothered her, it was just the fact they were there. It was a painful reminder of her failure. The filly had tried to put it behind her, knowing that dwelling on the past would not do her future any good when it came to pulling her weight in Nerine and on the Isle, but she still had a lot to learn about forgive and forget, even when it came to herself.

    But her current condition had given the filly a lot of time for self-thought these days. She swore it was already the pregnancy getting to her; she'd been thinking more deeply about things she hadn't recalled in years, reassesing current situations troubling Nerine to see if she could help remedy things. She didn't know why this whole thing seemed to be making her... mature wasn't necessarily the word. That came with age and experience, so she didn't really have a description right now.

    Not knowing that her stallion was journeying her to the Isle to see her, the filly, not sensing any danger, made her way out to one of the meadows among the mountains stretching toward the sky. Even though it was still winter, the snow was already starting to melt, exposing the ground underneath. Not all of it was covered in grass, but what she could find by pawing away the snow, she was eager to snatch it up, her body reminding her she wasn't just eating for herself anymore.

    The filly had just finished moving aside another patch of snow and ripping up some more grass when she heard her stallion's voice. Lifting her sculpted head, her tapered muzzle twitching a few more times as she swallowed the grass she'd been chewing, she watched as Ardashir moved through the trees to meet her, speaking in a quiet voice.

    Nalia watched as Ardashir's posture changed, making her think he was troubled by something. The stallion shook his head before moving closer to her, resting his furry muzzle on her back. Nalia's spine had started to dip in slightly due to the increasing weight of the little one, not that it was extremely noticeable given how young and fit she was.

    The filly, without moving her body, turned her head and stretched out her neck, brushing her muzzle against the stallion's shoulder, "Hello Ardashir. Don't worry, the little one is fine," she told him, briefly glancing down at her growing belly, hidden beneath her wings, before back up at the stallion.

    "Is everything all right love? You seem to have something important on your mind."


    Messages In This Thread
    Dance with me snowflake [ Nalia] - by Ardashir - 01-14-2019, 04:02 PM
    RE: Dance with me snowflake [ Nalia] - by Nalia - 01-15-2019, 12:33 AM
    RE: Dance with me snowflake [ Nalia] - by Nalia - 01-19-2019, 10:49 PM

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