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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz:
    Ok, so what did you do this weekend?
    Saturday I went to the barn but it was freezing cold and raining so I just filed Bridgette's feet then briefly walked in the woods so my dog would run around, then went to the park to catch Pokemon while my VERY NICE BOYFRIEND drove circles because it was cold (I caught three shinies and a Finnow whaddup), then I put the pantry back together after Drew dismantled it so we could spray the ants that are sneaking in, then I semi-helped while Drew made pasta. TODAY I got to ride, and cleaned a whole bunch of horse manure, then went grocery shopping;. Now I'm roombaing the bedroom and trying to do posts, I still need to go meal prep but don't wanna.

    Imagine you are making a BQ quest: What is it about? What are the prizes? Explain yourself.
    It's would be another Carnage torture quest and the prizes would be whatever fit the torture theme.

    What are 3 things that you love about your own writing? Why?
    - I've gotten pretty slick at writing readable posts, by which I mean not many long, overwrought sentences.
    - I think I vary sentence length pretty well
    - I have pretty creative backstories for, like, every single character

    What are 3 things that you love about other people’s (can be in general or specifics) writing, and why?
    I LOVE the variety of writers we have here! Short and sweet to long angst novels, whatever you want, someone or multiple someones here can provide it for you.

    What are 3 things that you think other people (in general, obviously not specific people because we’re all perfect) can do to improve their writing?
    Basically: STOP WORRYING SO MUCH!! You ARE good enough, your writing rocks, just post babey !!

    Please fill in the blank with the most appropriate response: “If it’s free, I’m:________.”
    into it.

    What is your favourite book of all time, or right now? Why?
    - Jurassic Park by Michael Circhton
    - The Dark Tower series by Stephen King
    - Lisey's Story by Stephen King
    - Into Thin Air by John Krakaur
    - Gold Seer series by Rae Carson
    - Nyxia series by Scott Remington

    The best book I've read recently is Red Clocks, it's super poetic and intriguingly written.

    What is your dream pet?
    It's Bridgette, but immortal.

    What is your favourite BQ story right now? Like, plot or otherwise.
    I'm so into the Carnage/Ryatah business. and also the Cordis/Glassheart which btw nev I want to post them again!!

    Which character (your own) are you most proud of? Why?
    I mean, Carnage, because he's forever and he's had his own character arc. I love what Cordis has become even if she's not thriving right now.

    Which character (your own) are you least proud of? Why?
    CURRENTLY...my trio of unplayed cthulhu x cthylla babies. I don't know why we can't click!!!!!

    If you could have your whole life subsidized by one person’s lottery winning, and that wonderful person brought everyone together to live in a giant mansion with everything you’ve ever wanted inside and maybe even a food court, would you be okay with that mansion having a computer lab for writing posts? Please explain your answer if it’s wrong.

    If hands horse was alive on BQ what do you think he/she/they would do with his/her/their life?
    i will kill hands horse on sight

    What do you think is in the officers lounge? If you’re an officer please tell us one thing (real or not real) that is in the officers lounge.
    some of the more insane complaints (e.g. complaining about fake dirt) that we've received are memes

    What is one thing about you that no one knows?
    I love some INCREDIBLY bad reality TV, like teen mom and floribama shore.

    What do you want to do when you grow up?
    I'm like...an adult now and I do program evaluation by day and teach krav by night. I still want to publish a novel, though.

    Where is your ULTIMATE vacation spot (that you’ve been to or want to go to) and why?
    I want to go, like, everywhere...I want to go to Australia, back to Spain, to Portugal, to Amsterdam, Iceland, Peru, Brazil, Galapagos...
    basically I'm a travel slut!!

    What is your favourite BQ trait and why?
    god magic. like power.

    What is one cool thing about someone else’s character that you recently learned about?
    Rouhi's favorite place is Hyaline's lake!!

    Write and answer your own very nice question here. Explain your answer.

    Messages In This Thread
    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by Nev - 01-13-2019, 03:10 PM
    RE: A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by Cassi - 01-13-2019, 05:42 PM

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