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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    New gods, we are young Volcanoes // Venus
    The touches that pass between them are fluttering and cautious, hungry and warm. An answering smile pulls at his mouth at her request, and the image flashes before his eyes a moment before an answer forms. 

    "I'll show you everything, someday. I promise." He replied, more sincerely than he realized. He wanted her to see the cold beauty of the snowbound Icicle Isle, the wonders of the Taiga. He wanted to wander Ischia with her properly, without the complications of his family interfering. She'd love it there, he knew. It was impossible to not love the island, with its warm shores and crystal waters. Yes, they would have to visit again. 

    He was gratified to feel the tension melt from her at his caress. At last it seemed he had gotten something right. The answering touches she grants him are light and sweet, mercifully warm against the frozen bands embedded in his skin. Her answer to his question, however, caught him off guard. 

    Heat rose in his face as he comprehended her meaning. "I... are you sure?" The words blundered from him, flirtatious confidence evaporating much to his dismay. This was the obvious next course of action, just... he hadn't expected her to be so prepared for it. Should he have expected this? Probably. Almost definitely. Gods, was he that really that dense? 

    Feeling her lips against his cheek, it seemed a little more real than it had a moment ago. Scales rippled unbidden from the point of her contact, covering him head to hoof in a sheet of hard plating. Heart pounding in his throat, he turned now cat-slit eyes on the golden girl beside him. Fire lent him something like courage or fool hardiness, flickering at the edges of his maw in tiny tongues of heat. 

    "Of course you're sure," he half-laughed half-growled, nuzzling the curve of her throat lightly. "You wouldn't have asked if you weren't. I'm the nervous one." It was a deceptively casual admission. He was a dragon, for goodness sake. He wasn't supposed to be afraid of anything. Still, this level of intimacy intimidated him. It was a kind of commitment that felt beyond him yet. 


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    RE: New gods, we are young Volcanoes // Venus - by Santana - 01-09-2019, 12:07 AM

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