08-04-2015, 08:16 PM
"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."
Dear god, the worries she had over them was giving her a headache. She closes her eyes briefly, tucking her chin to her chest. His touch sends her skittering sideways. eyes rolling and face turning quickly to see what manner of thing was touching her. She had never worried about being hurt so much before than when she had went there, been transported and plucked out of her life here. Even when she had been in the Jungle with her sunshine and her strange-thing she had always been safe. They had romped through the Jungle, something even playing with the critters there. Playing tag with jaguar cubs while their mother watched them with an almost amused expression. The Jungle had been safe for her, safe while Quark had been queen. Her da and the sunshine mare had been friends and she found she missed them both terribly. Miss her Strange-thing and wondered how long it had been since she had been gone. How big or little her friend would still be. Had just seconds passed here? Or longer? Had life continued on without her here, without anyone knowing what had happened to them when they had gone?
"Ye scared the crap outta me." She says when she sees what he was, just a horse, just a stallion without the same glint in his eyes the predators have. He seemed harmless. Her voice was lilting with sounds of the Irish in each syllable, something that happened from listening to her Da talk so much and tell her all the stories of his homeland. She exhaled a breath, blowing it softly even as she managed to smile at him. A small soft thing that was betrayed by the worry and surprise in her eyes. "Aye, I think so. Just in a wee bit of shock is all." She says it, turning to look across the meadow, her eyes seeing but not really seeing her surroundings. Another sigh and she looks back to him, stuffing all those messy emotions and worries away for now. "My name's Willa."
"The truth, it is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."