She looked up to him for answers, subconsciously asking him why this boy looked a hell of a lot like her and her daddy. His jaw clenched and he turned back to the boy. He was gonna fucking kill that guy, goddamn. What the fuck had he done to Leliana?
"Riiight, you're not my dad," the little boy agreed as if to help hide this secret. "We're just really good friends. Mama says I'm her Despair!"
That was definitely not a Leliana name either. He was suddenly faced with way too much knowledge and it was stirring the start of a boiling rage inside him. He never should've let her go. At least then she never would've had anything like this happen to her. Never. He'd fuck up and push her away, but never this.
"You look like Mama, but you're not white," the boy added regarding Adna before dancing around them and shoving between them. Dovev grunted and scowled down at him, black eyes hard. So his mom was a snake-thing too? Maybe that meant he wasn't from Leliana's husband then after all. The doubt eased a furious knot in his chest just a little, and he continued to stare down at the dark child.
Their eyes matched though, Adna's and the kid's. And her dad's. But green is just green, right? Could be anyone. He hoped.
"Where do you live? Where's your mom?" he questioned him. Dovev didn't give his name, he never did. If anyone wanted to find him for his services, they would. And if anyone wanted to find him to kill him they wouldn't.
we're slaves to any semblance of touch
Lord, we should quit but we love it too much