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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times // Ilma/any diplomats/leaders
    The Brilliant Pampas had sprouted from the earth not much differently than spring flowers, and while I have not set hoof elsewhere to confirm as much, it looks (from the sky) as if similar things have happened across the entire breadth of Beqanna. I've assumed their late arrival is due to traversing unfamiliar territory given lack of an alternate explanation and so as Ilma offers to wait until morning I begin to shake my head.

    My refusal isn't needed, joined as we are by the roan Noah. I turn back toward her, having caught the sound of a landing but not the horse themselves, and while I am mildly disappointed that she is not my golden mate it does not show on my smiling face. We don't really need Wolfbane, I remind myself, and odds are that he is back in Loess tonight anyway. I am not fond of the nights I spend away from my husband, but such are the compromises I must make to live the life I have chosen.

    Kagerus speaks next, rather verbose for a warrior, but I suspect it takes a rather large array of skills to lead the multifaceted system she proceeds to describe. The Silver Cove is not a familiar name, but I can only assume it is a new land like this one, safe from the Plague. A sensical seat for a kingdom, I think to myself, though I have never considered leaving Loess - at least not forever. The Pampas are, well, brilliant, but they are not my homeland. They belong to Noah.

    Listening to Kagerus, I make note of the names and titles she lists. My eyes widen slightly, an expression which nearly looks like concern regarding this Yidrha's activities, and it does not soften at the leopard mare's reassurances that the mystery mare is abiding by the peaceful rules of her overlords. I will treat with them as a good diplomat and queen, but I have found that my distrust of their true intentions remains constant.

    The Sanctuary is not alone in my suspicions, of course; I find most things worthy of skepticism. I prefer to think this is the natural order of things rather than delve into the messy tangle of coping mechanism and disorders of the post-traumatic sort. I''d rather the world see me as too hard than even slightly weak, after all.

    I blink away the expression that might be concern as Kagerus glances back at Ilma, asking the white mare if there is anything she might have forgotten. At that I cannot help but smile, a brief tick upward of my navy mouth at the idea that the pied mare might have said all that and still forgotten anything. I appreciate her thoroughness though; it tells me far more than I knew before about the way that the world of Beqanna is shaping itself in the aftermath of the plague.

    When it is time for me to speak I do so, having waited - or not - for whatever Ilma might have to add to her leader's words. "Most of Loess came to Brilliant Pampas when the Plague struck," I tell them, "The proximity allows those of us willing to risk exposure to protect both lands, and we are fortunate enough to have healers when the symptoms grow too strong." Here I glance at Noah with a grateful smile, indicating her as one of the healers I refer to. "Sinner and Mary rule Sylva in Arthas' stead, a subkingdom that is mostly self-sustaining." They'd not like that description, of course, but they are not here to defend themselves. This is, of course, because I've done my best to banish the lot of them from this plaugeless sanctuary; another thing I do not share.

    "We've every intent to return the seat of our kingdom to Loess when the Plague is cured; I'm sure Noah will be glad to have the lot of us out of her hair." This, at least, is said with fondness that matches the genuine emotion in my blue-grey eyes as I glance once more at the small mare. I intend to ask her when this meeting is over if she might have any knowledge that could help this mysterious Yidrha, but I do not wish to press the issue in company lest she have objections.

    ooc: i stg i did not mean this to turn into a novel that basically says nothing D:

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    RE: in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times // Ilma/any diplomats/leaders - by Lepis - 12-20-2018, 08:35 AM

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