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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    i've kissed your lips a thousand times // Velk/Litotes/any diplomats/leaders

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night
    and the superstars sucked into the supermassive
    The arrival of a stranger is strange, but to see that there were two and one of them vanished, well that seems a weird kind of drop-off to Leilan. He’s pretty sure he is familiar with both of them, one way or the other, but is too far away to notice any details on the bay-and-antlered mare to recall her name. So, while he still half-dozedly approaches to look them over, he takes note of the one who stayed. Ink and milk, the younger stallion looks about Chryseis’ age, maybe - no, a tad older, but not by much. More shockingly is that his familliarity comes in a somewhat-baroque form and with splashes that the scaled stallion soon enough recognizes upon closer inspection.

    There must be dragonfire in his veins.

    Now all that’s left to do is wait for the return of the mare, and the bay roan’s scaled head shakes in an attempt to fully awake. The cold helps, but only barely; Leilan’s so accustomed to it, one might as well say be re-born for it (fairies know, he wasn’t always an ice-spitter, with scales or even gold). Cold and ice then, as now adornes his scales too, is his attribute. Friend, never foe, in fact quite useful to help keep further claims at bay. There have been way too many of those. It wouldn’t do to have any more come in... But hey, that’s what he thought before they all showed up, too.

    The boy seems to doze again, and in this midnight walk, the gold-maned stallion hesitates, then retreats for a bit again. If Castile’s brood wants to come visit, it looks like he will do it later, by sunlight. Leilan doesn’t think he should interrupt his sleep, the way he’d interrupted his own - restless, he doesn’t seem to settle easily with the knowledge that the other claimers could very well come back.

    As silent as the first scouting arrival, so as not to wake the boy (even if he is an adult technically), the roan meanders back to his girls to wait the night out. It seems ages ago when he’s last fully slept a night, somewhere around the time the twins were concieved, no doubt. Tonight is no different, but perhaps he should at least leave the newcomer be.

    When the next day he comes back around to check on the splotched male, he is somewhat surprised seeing two other vaguely familiar figures joining him. Not this again? But no - one is Kagerus, the mare who’s dropped the young man off last night, he now thinks (the same way she had dropped herself off in Nerine involuntary not a year ago) and one is a stallion he recognizes from the fairy quest, having ventured even farther north from here. Wait, was Kagerus there too that day? Her mane suggest it. Must have taken the other path perhaps. Either way, he’s glad to see they’re not all strangers and don’t look to be another set of claimers.

    Yawning once, he sets into a trot. It’s likely they have not yet seen him, even though he has seen them; dragon vision and all that. Useful for greeting any kind of visitor, because he can form an idea of what they’re doing before they spot him. He overhears the last of the antlered mare’s words and chuckles before joining their little group. ”Kagerus, how nice of you to be calling names already.” He smiles though, and dips his head to her in greeting, or perhaps it’s taken as a tiny bow, who cares.

    ”One icicle present for you. I believe we’ve already met,” he looks to Lie, ”Though the circumstances didn’t leave much room for names. I’m Leilan - son of Scorch, husband to Breckin, Icicle - take your pick. I don’t usually care for titles, to be honest.” he grins, all of this one funny meeting to him already, as his eyes change from icy blue to emerald green rather quickly to indicate just that. ”Maybe I’ll call myself Icicle from now on.” he muses, looking from the General to Kagerus with a look that could only be described as actually considering it. He, is, after all, doing just that, blue returning somewhat into his eye colour for the onlookers’ consideration, settling on aqua. It would be better than calling themselves all Leviathans and Krakens again - maybe Nerinians could be Rocks. Hmm. Rocks and Icicles. Sturdy, yes?

    ”You must be Castile’s.” he says when he then, finally, meets the dual-toned male’s gaze. ”He should be around somewhere here, too - unless he’s looking for you, which would be unfortunate. Perhaps you want to wait for him?” His gaze much more serious now - no longer green or even turquoise, Leilan’s eyes are blue again quickly. ”If you don’t - I know it’s not the most habitable place ever - I could tell him that you visited.” he proposes, tilting his head.

    Looking to Kagerus in a more serious manner this second time, he smiles. ”So, what’s your mission today?” he tilts his head. This time, there’s no offer to fetch a diplomat or queen. Icicle Isle is not the same as Nerine, even if it stems from it. As far as he’s considered, he’s free to make any deals or alliances with anyone - though he must also warn them that if another wins the claim to the island (hopefully not, but, who knows the future?), it probably won’t hold. But surely, if they would have wanted a full secure alliance, they should not have gone out this early. Settling claims and other disputes, simply took time - thouh by the looks of it, it seemed that Hyaline had found littler opposition.

    How could they, if all the unruly figures rather fought Nerine over an icecube.

    you set my soul alight
    HTML by Vanilla Custard

    @[litotes] since Kag’s tag failed, tagging you now Big Grin
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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    RE: i've kissed your lips a thousand times // Velk/Litotes/any diplomats/leaders - by Leilan - 12-15-2018, 07:40 AM

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